It is becoming increasingly likely that
Barack Hussein Obama will be forced to resign
the Presidency before the 2012 election.
Vice President Biden will also be obliged to resign,
as will Supreme Court Justices Sotomayor and Kagan.
All Obama’s appointments and all the legislation
he has signed will be null and void.
The crisis we now face is not a failure of the
American experiment, but,
as citizens, we have,
for far too long, been silent and inattentive.
Most of the guilt lies with a permanent political
class and a grossly dysfunctional press corps, who,
for reasons of complicity, negligence, avarice or
cowardice, have contributed to the greatest fraud
in the history of the United States.
The permanent political class and the main stream
media (MSM) have become a corrupt, incompetent,
profligate, selfish and undemocratic American aristocracy.
Even if one considers the Obama Administration as legitimate,
which it is certainly not, the results have been a disaster.
Obama and his cheerleaders in the MSM have brought our
country weakness, indecision, mediocrity and ineptitude,
drifting from crisis to crisis, bankrupting our country,
while eroding our national will and confidence.
We must again embrace the spirit of the American Revolution
and reject the notion that a small permanent political class
in a capital insulated from common sense can dictate to us
their own tyrannical and flawed vision of life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness.
The permanent political class uses its powers and taxpayer
money to perpetuate itself. Contrary to their view, ours is
a nation with a government, not the reverse. The political
aristocracy presumes powers and extends itself privileges
not granted it by the people and, at the same time, refuses
any form of accountability.
The American people have not lost confidence in themselves.
They have lost confidence in their government.
As Ronald Reagan once stated:
“I believe this nation hungers for a spiritual revival;
hungers to once again see honor placed above political
expediency; to see government once again the protector
of our liberties, not the distributor of gifts and privilege.”
We now have far too many rogue, self-serving politicians
dispersed throughout the highest levels of the federal
government trying to maintain a corrupt status quo.
It will now be the duty of ordinary Americans to remove
that dishonest aristocracy, salvage our republic, take
back our government and re-shape our own destiny.
We must return to the letter and spirit of the 10th article
of the Bill of Rights, which asserts that the federal
government should execute only those functions explicitly
defined in the Constitution.
Our bloated federal bureaucracy has assumed power it was
never intended to have and has exercised those powers
inefficiently, ineffectively and indiscriminately.
The fall of Barack Obama will expose the endemic corruption
within our political system. Many in our political leadership
will be charged with felonies. Some will go to prison.
It will be a national trauma equivalent to the Civil War.
It will, however, also provide an opportunity for an
American Renaissance.
In the darkest days of the American Revolution, when
General George Washington’s men were freezing and starving
at Valley Forge, Thomas Paine said:
“We have it in our power to begin the world over again.”
We still have that power.
We have the strength to renew the American dream,
if we stand together.
Lawrence Sellin
Canada Free Press 2011
Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a recently retired colonel
with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve.
He is a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. receives hate mail at