Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fool Me Once, Shame On You. Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me. Fool Me Thrice, Suffer The Political Wrath Of The American People.

We already know what happens when our elected officials

in Washington talk about "making deals" and "pursuing concessions."

The American people get a "raw deal."

As the young folks say these days, "been there, done that,

got the tee-shirt." The politicians told you they were serious about

curbing their out-of-control spending, but they could only promise

to cut a meager 100 billion in wasteful spending. "It's a start," they said.

Then they "amended" the promise and said they would cut 74 billion...

then 61 billion. We're simply "pro-rating" the 100 billion figure, they said.

And then, when it was all said and done, they told you that they had

succeeded in cutting 38.5 billion in wasteful spending, and they thought

you'd accept that pittance and shut-up.

But even that final figure was a lie. In the end, according to the

Congressional Budget Office, they cut as little as 352 million from

the 2011 budget. That's 99.648 BILLION DOLLARS LESS than

the originally promised 100 BILLION. That's less than 0.5%.

In essence, they cut approximately TWO HOURS of deficit spending.

And it's not the first time that our elected officials have hoodwinked

the American people into rushing legislation through Congress in order

to feed their nasty addiction to spending your hard-earned money.

Not too long ago, they told you that unless they passed the so-called

"stimulus" bill, the United States would face an immediate economic

catastrophe... and gullible Americans fell for it.

It was a lie. They knew it was a lie.

Gasoline is over four dollars a gallon in cities across the country,

and prognosticators are already telling us that the price of a gallon

of gasoline will rise to five, or even six, dollars a gallon in the

coming months. The "real" unemployment rate is hovering around

20%; one out of five Americans are "underemployed." And those

of us who are mere mortals and actually do our own grocery shopping

know that food prices have skyrocketed over the past year.

But our elected officials, like the Energizer Bunny, just keep going

and going and going.

Damn the consequences, damn the American people.

Their insatiable thirst, that can't be quenched, must be quenched.

The beast must be fed.

Can we really afford the consequences of another lie?

Patriotic Americans have no choice.

We must draw a line in the sand right here and right now.

Simply put, our elected officials must be made to understand,

here and now, that IF they betray the American people one more time,

like so many other Americans, THEY will be walking the unemployment

line. And the power that they so cherish will be gone in the blink of an eye.

In short, let them know that the American people

will not be hoodwinked.

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