Sunday, April 24, 2011



On the morning of Easter Sunday, Mary Magdalene,

Mary the mother of James, and a few other women

went to Jesus’ tomb taking burial spices with them.

They found that the stone that covered the entrance

of the tomb had been rolled away. They went in,

but did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.

An angel of the Lord appeared and said to the women:

“Why are you looking among the dead for one who is alive?

He is not here; he has been raised.” (Lk 24:5-6)

The Eternal Promise of Easter

"Promises are made to be broken," so goes the saying.

Ask someone who's been hurt--it's heavy stuff--and

it happens all the time. But I know a Promise-Maker

who kept good His promise yesterday, will be true to

it today, and will fulfill it tomorrow.

He's the One who said,

"Because I live, you shall live also."

Come to the Well on this glorious Easter and

celebrate with me the Resurrection of our Lord!

No one can bring you light for your darkness,

love for your hatred, peace for your pain--

like Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord.

He came to change the world--

one heart at a time--

and He's doing it everywhere.

He promises to redeem you--

to bring you into right relationship with Him...

and His Word is true.

Watch the tomb, saints of God...

for your Lord is about to declare His Name

to all the world--and to you--

and because HE lives, you shall live also!

It's His Word...and He always keeps His Word!

The promise of Easter lives today.

Go to His Word and find help, strength, power and peace.

Go to His Word and find forgiveness, acceptance and love.

Go to His Word and find HIM, the risen Lord,

alive forevermore, to meet your need.

May the eternal promise of Easter

live in your heart this day--and every day.

He lives for me, for you, for a whole world.

Go tell them--He's alive! He's alive!


"...I am the resurrection, and the life;

he that believeth in me, though he were dead,

yet shall he live.

And whosoever liveth and believeth in me

shall never die. Believest thou this?

(John 11:25,26 KJV)."

All four Gospels vividly refer to Jesus’ resurrection:

Matthew 28: 1-10, Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-10

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