Now that it’s all over and the People have indeed spoken,
MOST Democrats INCLUDING Barack Hussein Obama still don’t
get it.
I heard Obama’s two press conferences; where in his own
words he said that the Democrats took a “Shellacking” and
that he got the message.
But to me, he’s still saying that the people didn’t
understand, because if they did, they would have embraced
what he, Pelosi and Reid had FORCED through the Congress
AGAINST the will of the people.
That’s not what he’s saying directly.
But that’s what he REALLY means.
As a Demagogic Narcissist par excellence, there is no
way Obama could accept that he was as wrong as a driver
driving the wrong way on a one-way highway.
But all of a sudden, now that Obama’s policies and minions
were massacred at the polls, he says that he “understands”
what the people really want.
Where the hell has he been for the last 18 months as
people were rallying in the hundreds, thousands, tens
of thousands and hundreds of thousands throughout America
AGAINST everything he was doing?
Was Obama so busy with his date-nights, golf games,
White House Rock Concerts, White House Autograph Sessions
with professional athletes and teams, White House Cocktail
Parties with Hollywood movie stars, his Whirlwind Air Force
One jaunts, and his multiple World I Hate America Tours, NOT
to notice the groundswell of discontent all around him?
If he was indeed as blind, deaf and dumb as he’s
admitting, then he is also the MOST incapable and
most stupid person to have ever held such high office
in the United States of America.
Or – He’s not so dumb, but is such an EGOMANIAC, and so
CERTAIN of his GOD-GIVEN brilliance, that he couldn’t see
or hear the cries from an enraged population.
But, anyone who speaks as well as he does, is not blind,
deaf or dumb, and is certainly not stupid. So, in my mind,
it all comes down to the GREATEST display of ARROGANCE I
could NOT have ever imagined.
In my most humble opinion, Obama is such an extraordinary
narcissist that he is INCAPABLE of understanding any view
or passion other than his own. And as far as he is probably
concerned, it isn’t him who doesn’t get it, but most of a
nation who doesn’t have clue-one or a true appreciation for
his brilliance.
Not only will he not bend after this historic defeat of his
policies and his Party, he won’t even be a compromiser.
And he will NEVER be able to understand, let alone accept
how out-of step he is with any reality other than his own.
For him to stand before the people, the day and days after
this crushing personal defeat, and say that the people have
spoken, and it’s all about the economy is a stunning admission
of how out of touch and out of step he REALLY is.
What did he think it was all about from the very first day
he took over the Presidency?
Wasn’t Obama the candidate who campaigned with everything
he had on the economy and joblessness?
I don’t remember him campaigning on a promise to undo
America’s healthcare system, or to smother America with
Cap and Trade, or kill the secret union ballot, or the
takeover of two thirds of the American car industry, or
the takeover of the insurance and banking industries.
Aware people who paid attention to Barack Obama and his
personal history and affiliations BEFORE the 2008 election
had MORE than just an inkling as to who and what Obama was
all about, even though he NEVER focused on the preceding
policies as campaign issues.
I do remember Obama stating with ABSOLUTE clarity for all who
would listen that job creation was his NUMBER-ONE PRIORITY,
before something else became his number-one priority, only
to be substituted by yet another number-one priority . . .
ad infinitum.
At this point in time, Obama has proven beyond a shadow
of uncertainty, not through his words, but through his
actions, that NOTHING he says has any meaning whatsoever,
while everything he does winds up as a disaster.
It’s not that he didn’t hear the people on November 2,
or not understand what they were saying, it’s that he
DIDN’T CARE. Nothing the people said could pierce his
If he cared at all about the American economy and spending
as he claims to, would he be heading off to Asia just days
after the biggest election trouncing in US history on a
This is not the action of a President who is listening to
the people, or who cares one whit about the economy and a
crushing debt that has become America’s NUMBER ONE security
concern. This is a President who just doesn’t care.
So, when Obama and his Democrat hangers-on now speak of
compromise, conciliation, and non-partisanship between the
The people did not send the Republicans to Washington for
the same-old, same-old - THAT IS ABSOLUTELY CLEAR.
They want the government to stop spending. They want the
government to stop growing. They want the government to
reduce the bureaucracy and restrictions on business.
They want the government to pay down the debt and
reduce taxes.
And what the people voted for was a PARTY OF HELL NO.
If the Republicans know what’s good for them, they will
NOT compromise on any of the principles the people have
demanded by sending them to Washington.
The good news is that everything I’m hearing from the
Speaker of the House Designate John Boehner and Senate
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is that they have heard
the message LOUD AND CLEAR, and have no intentions whatso-
ever of playing nice with a President who is the SINGLE
GREATEST THREAT, not just to the security of the United
States of America, but rather to the ENTIRE existence of
the United States of America as the world knows it.
If America is going to be saved, as I think it will be
after much pain, it will ONLY be because of those Red Neck
Conservatives who are proud to be clinging to their guns
and religion.
And about Obama’s BILLION or TWO BILLION dollar PLUS trip
to India:
What does that say about Obama getting the message from
the people, when average American families who foot the
ENTIRE bill for his extravagances are not sleeping at night,
worried about their jobs, their homes, and how to put food
on the table?
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
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