FREEDOM is not a Gift.
FREEDOM is a Process of Education,
Action,and at times Standing your ground.
I will try to keep you Informed
I may even Call you to Action
But only you know if Your
FREEDOM is worth the Fight!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
This is a Racism Test ....
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Dr Doom And The Other Cult Of Death.
By Skip MacLure
@Conservative Outpost
It didn’t start with this president, or even the one
before him, though George Bush did make a serious mistake
by characterizing Islam as “a religion of peace”.
That entirely false premise has hampered this country’s
ability to clearly identify and define a proven and sworn
mortal enemy of America, and the entire western world for
that matter.
In some strange Pavlovian fashion, no doubt fostered by
the ‘governing elites’ of both parties, and promulgated
by the ever submissive and slavish lame stream media,
whenever the words Muslim, Islam, Islamist or CAIR show up,
everybody just clams up and gives it all a great big pass.
Anything Islamist, good. Anything American or patriotic, bad.
The denial of the simple facts, that a short course in recent
history reveal a systematic series of obfuscation, diversions
and outright lies about attacks against us, going back a good
20 or 30 years. 31 years to be precise…
with the internationally perceived weak pacifist
and apologist Jimmy Carter.
In the murky, factional, pseudo-political, tribal-based,
religious, squabbling world of the Middle East he was
not only not to be feared, he was to be despised for his
weakness. So despised, as a matter of fact, that they
(the Islamo-fascists) felt confident enough to invade our
embassy, sovereign American soil.
An out-and-out declaration of war.
When faced with the strength and determination of a Ronald
Reagan, they immediately rolled over. They knew, just as
every true coward and bully does in his heart of hearts,
that this was a man not to be trifled with.
Islam is not, and never has been, a religion of peace.
It is, in fact, a death cult. Its writings promote death,
torture, conquest, persecution, rapine and oppression.
It is the only ‘so-called’ religion on Earth that canonizes
conquest and the slaughter of innocents.
Our Dr Doom has a magnanimous view of Islam, probably as a
result of his early exposure to all things Muslim. Later,
as we know, his anti-American hatred would be honed at the
crucible of avowed communist ex-officio Frank Marshall Davis.
That’s what has bothered me most about Dr Doom.
After the first few times I heard the guy speak I thought,
‘This guy doesn’t like America. I can hear it in his voice’.
It was true. For all his high-flown rhetoric he doesn’t sound
like an American. He sounds like someone observing America,
but not a part of it… a stranger in our midst.
America and the entire western world had better wrap their
minds around the fact that we are up to our necks in an inter-
generational, world-wide war that may last for a century…
with people who do not compromise, who only respect power,
and absolute power at that, who will stop at nothing to
achieve their stated goal of worldwide conquest.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Army/Navy Basketball Game Halftime Show
The Firecrackers are a performance jump rope team
made up of talented 4th-8th graders from the
Kings Local School District in Ohio.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Yeah, Thanks A Lot!
This week, Americans sit down in their
sturdy chairs to enjoy a national feast.
Businesses are shut down.
Congress is adjourned.
For one day at least,
citizens can enjoy their peace.
In every hamlet, urban ghetto and rank suburb
they gather, sacrificing turkeys to their deities,
whoever they might be. Before they tuck in,
they bow their heads and give thanks.
But for what?
There have always been two parts to the Thanksgiving
holiday – one sincere and personal,
the other national, fraudulent and delusional.
One of the first Thanksgivings took place in 1623.
The colony at Plymouth Rock had barely survived.
The supply ships from England had not brought
enough food.
Harvests were poor.
People died of hunger, cold, disease and malnutrition.
Like all central planners, Governor William Bradford
blamed it on the weather. Then, when communal farming
was abandoned, what luck, the weather improved:
“The Lord sent them such seasonable showers,
with interchange of fair warm weather as,
through His blessing, caused a fruitful
and liberal harvest...for which they blessed God.
And the effect of their particular [private] planting
was well seen, for all had...pretty well...
so as any general want or famine had not
been amongst them since to this day.”
Thanksgiving wasn’t made a national holiday until 1863.
Then, it celebrated not the success of the American
experiment, but the end of it.
Imagine a battle today in which 500,000 American
soldiers died –
almost as many as died in WWI and WWII combined.
As a percentage of population that was the death
toll at Gettysburg.
That was what Lincoln chose to follow with a
day of thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving for what?
“...peace has been preserved with all nations,
order has been maintained, the laws have been
respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed
Emphasis added.... [And we] “commend to his tender care
all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or
sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are
unavoidably engaged.”
Lincoln should have proclaimed a day of mourning.
The battle and the War Between the States were not
glorious achievements. They were national disasters.
The fondest hope of the founders – that people could
decide for themselves what kind of government they
would have – died on the battlefield.
But the nation’s course was set.
America may be in the New World, but it has one of
the oldest governments on the planet.
France, Italy, Germany, India, China – all have newer,
fresher governments, as much as 200 years younger.
Newer economies bustle with more energy and money too.
America appears near exhaustion by comparison.
China and India eagerly court the future;
America seems desperate to hold onto the past.
Her armies are stretched over the globe, trying to
prevent anything really new from coming about.
At home, her politicians and economists try to prevent
anything old from going away.
At great cost, banks and businesses,
as well as the old timers themselves, are propped up...
supported...and sustained.
Still, the typical American has much reason for gratitude.
His house is bigger and gaudier than ever before.
His car is a plush monster. He has more than enough to eat.
He has gadgets and gizmos galore – including a machine that
blows the autumn leaves off his asphalted driveway.
And behind him is still the mightiest government the world
has ever seen – ready to protect his vital interests in the
Hindu Kush as well as Wall Street.
Yet, all his blessings seem to come with fuses attached.
If the winter is severe, he may not be able to heat his palace.
If the price of gasoline rises, driving his land barge could
ruin him.
If he looks in the bathroom mirror, he might get depressed.
Our own polling tells us that 1 in 10 households
will give thanks for their government this week.
They should reconsider.
Didn’t the federal government tempt them to buy a house
by giving him tax breaks and subsidizing mortgage rates?
Didn’t it egg them on to spend money by reducing the
value of the dollar by 97% over the last 97 years?
Didn’t the feds stymie every attempt to correct their
over-consumption by cheapening credit and stimulating
consumption even more?
And isn’t it the government that has run up a net
national “finance gap” of more than $200 trillion...
so that each newborn American faces a burden of
$700,000 in debt even before his first diaper has
been changed?
And now, the government practically mocks him in
an outrageous way. Ever since an amateur terrorist
set his underwear on fire, the airport polizei are
determined that a man should have his genitals
checked before he boards an airplane.
Thank god the would-be terrorist didn’t tuck
his explosives into a body cavity!
It is fascinating from an ethnological point of view;
the poor American has been led along, put upon and
knocked around so much.
Foreigners must look on in amazement, wondering how
much abuse he’ll take. And now, his head bent over...
the “butterball” turkey waiting for him...
the American must feel the weight of his blessings.
He is broke.
He may lose his job.
His country is in decline, headed for bankruptcy and
his leaders are incompetents and scoundrels.
To make matters worse, his central bank is keen to
commit a new act of sabotage – intentionally trying
to undermine his savings...
his labor...
and his standard of living.
Like Lincoln, he can say to himself...
except for that...
everything is okay...
Bill Bonner,
for The Daily Reckoning
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The Lefties Talking Ugly About Our Friends
Allen West Won't Tap Right-Wing Radio Host
By Adam Weinstein
Thu Nov. 11, 2010
On Monday, demagogic, Islam-hating Rep.-elect Allen West (R-Fla.)
caused his first congressional controversy.
Today, he announced his first flip-flop.
(I'm ready to puke already)
The firebrand tea partying West, who as an Army officer confessed
to abusing detainees(cowards always like to bring up
the detainee incident) and won a conservative South Florida district
last week, today reneged on a Monday promise(when did a simple
announcement become a "promise"? to appoint right-wing
radio host Joyce Kaufman as his congressional chief of staff.
Kaufman is a fellow demagogue who spends her air time railing against
Muslims, touting an "infidel" ballcap she wears, advocating the hanging
of illegal immigrants, and saying Jews who vote for Barack Obama
"don't embrace being Jews anymore."
West's office made the announcement this morning in a statement:
"It is with deep regret that this Congressional office and the
people of CD 22 will not have Joyce Kaufman as my Chief of Staff.
Joyce is a good friend, and will remain loyal to South Floridians and to me.
I will always seek Joyce's counsel for being a good Representative of this
Congressional District."
West's rhetoric tracks Kaufman's pretty closely, and they were thick as
thieves on the campaign trail. But a counsel for the House Committee on
Standards of Official Conduct said yesterday that Kaufman's appointment
could be "problematic." 'a counsel'? like that is somebody worth quoting)
It appears Republican House leaders may have stepped in, prevailing on
West to turn down the crazy and pick a chief of staff who (unlike Kaufman)
might actually have a modicum of experience with legislative affairs,
media messaging, and constitutent services.
"House leaders may have stepped in"
Just a bold face lie!
Here is the real reason Joyce choose to resigned.)
West's already-troubled tenure poses a direct challenge to Republican
leadership that's not going away anytime soon: While it's in their political
interest to keep loose-talking neophytes like him away from the limelight,
where they might turn off mainstream voters,(if there are any
Republican leaders that feel that way, they need to be challanged)
they can't deny that his brand of anger brings in the campaign cash.
He was tops among all congressional challengers in donations this year,
in no small part because of endorsements from the likes of Sarah Palin
and small contributions from angry tea partiers and right-wing vets across
the country.(Now he is getting personal, talking about you and me)
He has a chance to become the Michele Bachmann of the South,
(wouldn't that be wonderful?)
but only if he manages to avoid alienating his constituents with bad
governance and worse sound bites.
(This Clown, Adam Weinstein, we need to pray for.
This clueless sheeple has no idea whats coming his way with the recent
and up coming elections in 2012)
(Comments are mine, Barry 'Bigbare' Carson)
Monday, November 22, 2010
My First And Last Comment On The TSA
The TSA: Providing gainful employment
to sexual predators since 2009
Can’t see London, Can’t see France,
unless we see your underpants.
It’s not a grope; it’s a freedom pat.
If your lover is lacking in foreplay, come fly by us!
We always get to second base on the first date.
Security thru nudity!
We’ll touch you here, We’ll touch you there,
We’ll even fondle your derriere
Hickory dickory dock, give us a chance
and we’ll grab ur – you get the idea
Have a grope and a Smile
We rub you because we love that special way
Nuts, butts, and scanner sluts. That's the way we roll.
You get on. We get off.
We've handled more balls than Barney Frank.
Going out west? We’re going down south.
Lift your sack…for freedom?
Perverts for peace.
TSA: Where Touching Your Junk is Not Just a Job,
It's an Adventure
TSA, we bring repressed memories to life.
Announcing the new TSA Club Card;
Every 12 pat-downs gets a reach-around!
TSA Theme Song - See Me, Feel Me
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Newsmax's Interview of Allen West
Newsmax Senior Editor David A. Patten is in Washington this week interviewing incoming tea party freshmen and Republican leaders to offer an exclusive look at the next Congress and its Republican agenda. This is another installment of a series of Newsmax special reports and videos based on those interviews.
Rep.-Elect Allen West
Friday, November 12, 2010
Allen West Goes To DC
November 11, 2010
Last night, my new Congressman-elect (I love typing that!)
Allen West gave a moving speech to the West Palm Beach
Republican Club, in which he honored veterans, upheld
American Exceptionalism and vowed to stand firm for the
US Constitution once sworn into office in Washington D.C.
I’d had the good fortune of unexpectedly bumping into Allen
as he strode through the parking lot toward the entrance
of the Bear Lakes Country Club, when I had to return to my
car to retrieve my Flip-corder. He thanked me sincerely for
working so hard on his campaign as I gave him a hug and my
congratulations (something I’d been unable to do at his
victory party, due to the size of the crowd). Truly, this
is a man of honor and integrity.
It’s hard to describe just how thrilled South Florida is
to have this decorated war hero and and patriot representing us,
but you’ll get an idea of the scope our our genuine love and
affection for Lt. Col. Allen West in the two videos below.
Thank You Veterans
Modern Conservative/AnyStreet
The Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day
Ninety-two years ago today, at 11:00AM,
the guns finally fell silent.
For five years, The Great War had raged in all its bitter,
bloody conflict, right up until the very last minute before
the armistice went into effect.
Seven months later, the Treaty of Versailles officially
brought an end to what was heralded as the War to
End All Wars.
In retrospect, it was but a pause to catch breath.
It is perhaps ironic that America played such a great
part in finally ending the war, seeing as we took so
little part in it. Finally arriving on the Battlefield in
May of 1918, the United States still suffered just over
116,700 casualties for just seven months of fighting.
One year after hostilities finally ended, President Wilson
proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of
Armistice Day, marking the heroism and sacrifice of our
soldiers, and the gratitude of the country for their sacrifice.
In June of 1926, the U.S. Congress officially recognized this
day with the following concurrent resolution:
Whereas the 11th of November 1918, marked the cessation
of the most destructive, sanguinary, and far reaching war
in human annals and the resumption by the people of the
United States of peaceful relations with other nations, which
we hope may never again be severed, and
Whereas it is fitting that the recurring anniversary of this date
should be commemorated with thanksgiving and prayer and
exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and
mutual understanding between nations; and
Whereas the legislatures of twenty-seven of our States have
already declared November 11 to be a legal holiday: Therefore
be it Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring),
that the President of the United States is requested to issue a
proclamation calling upon the officials to display the flag of the
United States on all Government buildings on November 11 and
inviting the people of the United States to observe the day in
schools and churches, or other suitable places, with appropriate
ceremonies of friendly relations with all other peoples.
In 1938, this resolution was transformed into an official holiday
an Act of Congress (52 Stat. 351; 5 U. S. Code, Sec. 87a) and
Armistice Day became an official national holiday.
Yet shortly thereafter, America was forced into the greatest
military mobilization in our history as the Second World War
engulfed literally the entire globe.
After the conclusion of this, as well as the Korean Conflict,
the Act of 1938 was amended by replacing the word “Armistice”
with “Veterans” and in 1954, the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month
became the day on which America honors and remembers all its veterans,
of all conflicts.
No greater service can be offered than to defend our great country,
and no one is more deserving of our respect. While the men and women
who have given such service should never be long from our thoughts or
far from our hearts.
Thank you for your service and your sacrifice!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
He And They Just Don’t Get It
Now that it’s all over and the People have indeed spoken,
MOST Democrats INCLUDING Barack Hussein Obama still don’t
get it.
I heard Obama’s two press conferences; where in his own
words he said that the Democrats took a “Shellacking” and
that he got the message.
But to me, he’s still saying that the people didn’t
understand, because if they did, they would have embraced
what he, Pelosi and Reid had FORCED through the Congress
AGAINST the will of the people.
That’s not what he’s saying directly.
But that’s what he REALLY means.
As a Demagogic Narcissist par excellence, there is no
way Obama could accept that he was as wrong as a driver
driving the wrong way on a one-way highway.
But all of a sudden, now that Obama’s policies and minions
were massacred at the polls, he says that he “understands”
what the people really want.
Where the hell has he been for the last 18 months as
people were rallying in the hundreds, thousands, tens
of thousands and hundreds of thousands throughout America
AGAINST everything he was doing?
Was Obama so busy with his date-nights, golf games,
White House Rock Concerts, White House Autograph Sessions
with professional athletes and teams, White House Cocktail
Parties with Hollywood movie stars, his Whirlwind Air Force
One jaunts, and his multiple World I Hate America Tours, NOT
to notice the groundswell of discontent all around him?
If he was indeed as blind, deaf and dumb as he’s
admitting, then he is also the MOST incapable and
most stupid person to have ever held such high office
in the United States of America.
Or – He’s not so dumb, but is such an EGOMANIAC, and so
CERTAIN of his GOD-GIVEN brilliance, that he couldn’t see
or hear the cries from an enraged population.
But, anyone who speaks as well as he does, is not blind,
deaf or dumb, and is certainly not stupid. So, in my mind,
it all comes down to the GREATEST display of ARROGANCE I
could NOT have ever imagined.
In my most humble opinion, Obama is such an extraordinary
narcissist that he is INCAPABLE of understanding any view
or passion other than his own. And as far as he is probably
concerned, it isn’t him who doesn’t get it, but most of a
nation who doesn’t have clue-one or a true appreciation for
his brilliance.
Not only will he not bend after this historic defeat of his
policies and his Party, he won’t even be a compromiser.
And he will NEVER be able to understand, let alone accept
how out-of step he is with any reality other than his own.
For him to stand before the people, the day and days after
this crushing personal defeat, and say that the people have
spoken, and it’s all about the economy is a stunning admission
of how out of touch and out of step he REALLY is.
What did he think it was all about from the very first day
he took over the Presidency?
Wasn’t Obama the candidate who campaigned with everything
he had on the economy and joblessness?
I don’t remember him campaigning on a promise to undo
America’s healthcare system, or to smother America with
Cap and Trade, or kill the secret union ballot, or the
takeover of two thirds of the American car industry, or
the takeover of the insurance and banking industries.
Aware people who paid attention to Barack Obama and his
personal history and affiliations BEFORE the 2008 election
had MORE than just an inkling as to who and what Obama was
all about, even though he NEVER focused on the preceding
policies as campaign issues.
I do remember Obama stating with ABSOLUTE clarity for all who
would listen that job creation was his NUMBER-ONE PRIORITY,
before something else became his number-one priority, only
to be substituted by yet another number-one priority . . .
ad infinitum.
At this point in time, Obama has proven beyond a shadow
of uncertainty, not through his words, but through his
actions, that NOTHING he says has any meaning whatsoever,
while everything he does winds up as a disaster.
It’s not that he didn’t hear the people on November 2,
or not understand what they were saying, it’s that he
DIDN’T CARE. Nothing the people said could pierce his
If he cared at all about the American economy and spending
as he claims to, would he be heading off to Asia just days
after the biggest election trouncing in US history on a
This is not the action of a President who is listening to
the people, or who cares one whit about the economy and a
crushing debt that has become America’s NUMBER ONE security
concern. This is a President who just doesn’t care.
So, when Obama and his Democrat hangers-on now speak of
compromise, conciliation, and non-partisanship between the
The people did not send the Republicans to Washington for
the same-old, same-old - THAT IS ABSOLUTELY CLEAR.
They want the government to stop spending. They want the
government to stop growing. They want the government to
reduce the bureaucracy and restrictions on business.
They want the government to pay down the debt and
reduce taxes.
And what the people voted for was a PARTY OF HELL NO.
If the Republicans know what’s good for them, they will
NOT compromise on any of the principles the people have
demanded by sending them to Washington.
The good news is that everything I’m hearing from the
Speaker of the House Designate John Boehner and Senate
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is that they have heard
the message LOUD AND CLEAR, and have no intentions whatso-
ever of playing nice with a President who is the SINGLE
GREATEST THREAT, not just to the security of the United
States of America, but rather to the ENTIRE existence of
the United States of America as the world knows it.
If America is going to be saved, as I think it will be
after much pain, it will ONLY be because of those Red Neck
Conservatives who are proud to be clinging to their guns
and religion.
And about Obama’s BILLION or TWO BILLION dollar PLUS trip
to India:
What does that say about Obama getting the message from
the people, when average American families who foot the
ENTIRE bill for his extravagances are not sleeping at night,
worried about their jobs, their homes, and how to put food
on the table?
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Monday, November 8, 2010
Who Got Stimulated
They come from Congress, and the party that
controlled Congress since January 2007 is
the Democrat Party.
They controlled the budget process for FY 2008
and FY 2009, as well as FY 2010 and FY 2011.
In that first year, they had to contend with
George Bush, which caused them to compromise
on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got
tough on spending increases. For FY 2009 though,
Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed George Bush
entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep
government running until Barack Obama could take
office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus
spending bill to complete the FY 2009 budgets.
And where was Barack Obama during this time?
He was a member of that very Congress that passed
all of these massive spending bills, and he signed
the omnibus bill as President to complete FY 2009.
Let's remember what the deficits looked like during
that period: (below)
FY 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets.
That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the
fourth straight decline in deficit spending.
After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending,
and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets.
If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself.
In a nutshell, what Obama should saying is:
“I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted
to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th”.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Obama Remembers Mumbai: What About Fort Hood, Sir?
for CFP
President Obama began his 10-day, pre-holiday Asia
vacation in Mumbai, India by memorializing the victims
of the terrorist attacks from two years ago.
In a somber and respectful tone, he declared,
“We’ll never forget.”
In making his remarks, the president delivered an
appropriate message about the tragic events of
November 26, 2008 which resulted in the deaths
of 173 innocent people.
All well and good.
Unfortunately, the president’s staff must have forgotten
an equally memorable terrorist attack, one that took place
at Fort Hood, Texas on November 5, 2009.
Indeed, while Obama and his entourage were jetting off
to India on what is believed to be a $200-million-a day junket,
the president was silent about the one year anniversary of
the Fort Hood shooting in which Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is
accused of killing 13 Americans and injuring 30 others.
Why did this president choose to ignore the victims of the
Fort Hood massacre on the one-year anniversary of one of
the worst mass shootings ever on an American military base?
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
A Personal Message From Allen West
Fellow Patriots,
A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone for your overwhelming dedication to the West campaign. All of the time and talent given by so many of you was what made our campaign successful. Each hour and dollar that was so generously given was an investment in our victory. The hard work and kind words which enriched and encouraged our efforts did not go unnoticed. Every phone call made, every door knocked and every sign waved was important to our win.
We cherish the friends, old and new, that have supported us along the way. The simple words "thank you" do not begin to express the heartfelt appreciation we have for the tremendous amount of support earned. We will work every day to deserve and maintain your trust and support.
Please come see YOUR office in Washington DC...
Thank you!
a party and invited all of his buddies and neighbors.
He also invited Leroy, the only Redneck in the neighborhood.
He held the party around the pool in the backyard of his mansion.
Leroy was having a good time drinking, dancing, eating shrimp,
oysters and BBQ and flirting with all the women.
At the height of the party, the host said, “I have a 10 foot
man-eating gator in my pool and I'll give a million dollars
to anyone who has the nerve to jump in”.
The words were barely out of his mouth when there was a loud splash. Everyone turned around and saw Leroy in the pool!
Leroy was fighting the gator and kicking its rear!
Leroy was jabbing it in the eyes with his thumbs,
throwing punches, head butts and choke holds, biting
the gator on the tail and flipping it through the air
like some kind of Judo Instructor.
The water was churning and splashing everywhere.
Both Leroy and the gator were screaming and raising heck.
Finally Leroy strangled the gator and let it float to
the top like a dime store goldfish.
Leroy then slowly climbed out of the pool.
Everybody was just staring at him in disbelief.
Finally the host says,
“Well, Leroy, I reckon I owe you a million dollars.”
“No, that's okay. I don't want it,” said Leroy
The rich man said,
“Man, I have to give you something you won the bet.
How about half a million bucks then?”
“No thanks, I don't want it,” answered Leroy.
The host said,
“Come on, I insist on giving you something.
That was amazing. How about a new Porsche and
a Rolex and some stock options?”
Again Leroy said no.
Confused, the rich man asked,
“Well, Leroy, then what do you want?”
Leroy said,
“I want the name of the Sumbich
who pushed me in the pool!”