Tuesday, December 13, 2011

We’re Going To Use Foreign Aid Money To Promote........

Hillary Clinton’s speech in Geneva on Dec. 6 announcing that
American taxpayers will be paying for homosexual activism 
around the world through a $3 million Global Equality Fund.

That’s right. In a time when the United States is facing massive debt,
plus a rising China and militant Islam, we’re going to use foreign aid 
money to promote “gay rights” to the world.

Speaking to a crowd of diplomats, many of whom do not equate race
or ethnicity with volitional sexual behavior that has moral implications,
Clinton urged everyone to come around to her point of view, while saying,
"I come here before you with respect, understanding, and humility."
(Now do what I tell you.)

Once upon a time, foreign aid was allocated as an incentive for other nations
to support the interests and security of the United States. Countries did not
get the money if they worked with our enemies.

But now, under leftwing Democrats, foreign aid is a tool to force a radical
agenda on the rest of the world, regardless of America’s interests.

Do Americans don’t want their country exporting the values of
Sodom and Gomorrah instead of Valley Forge?

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