Thursday, May 12, 2011


HUNDREDS of protesters stopped a far left student from
torching the US flag today at LSU.

Here, one guy shows his love of the flag in many forms.

The counter protesters were not too happy with the young leftist.

A shot of Haas when he showed up at the parade grounds…

Patriots chucked water balloons at a far left student
today at LSU before he could torch the US flag.

This is a report on the event from WAFB:
Several hundred people gathered on the LSU campus today
and effectively stopped an LSU grad student from burning an
American flag on campus.

The student announced Tuesday that he intended to burn
the flag. The announcement set off a wave of angry protests
on Facebook and talk radio stations.

As the student approached the Parade Grounds at LSU
Wednesday, students chanted “USA! USA!”. One man yelled
“My brothers died for you!”.

Several people tossed water balloons and water bottles
at the man. The graduate student was then escorted away by
LSU Police. The flag burning did not occur.

Here Is Some Video:
( WARNING!! Some student language not politically correct )

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