Saturday, July 28, 2012

Disgraced Penn State President Hired by Obama Administration for Top Secret National Security Post

You just cant make this stuff up folks. Of course Spanier has been shilling and covering for the progressive secular left for years – LINK and was invested in the child sex abuse cover-up according the the investigation of Penn State by former FBI Director Louis Freeh.
Political commentator Marie Garr said it best, “Guess they figure he can keep a secret……….GEEZ!”
Our take: What if Bush had done this?

Washington Post:
Graham Spanier might have been ousted from his post at the helm of Penn State over the sex-abuse scandal that engulfed the university, but it seems he’s found a backup employer: the American taxpayer.
Only a disgraced public figure would consider joining the much-maligned ranks of the federal workforce as a step up, reputation-wise. We can assume there were no openings for a used-car salesman.
Spanier was faulted in an internal Penn State report after the conviction on child-molestation charges of former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky. The report said he, head coach Joe Paterno and others helped cover up Sandusky’s abuse.
His lawyer confirms to the Loop that Spanier is working on a part-time consulting basis for a “top-secret” agency on national security issues. But the gig is so hush-hush, he couldn’t even tell his attorneys the name of the agency. In April — months after his ouster as president but before the release of the internal report — he told the Patriot-News of central Pennsylvania that he was working on a “special project for the U.S. government relating [to] national security.”
But who’s he working for? The CIA? Homeland Security? Or maybe just a dull consulting firm with a government contract?
“I have no idea,”says his lawyer, Peter Vaira. “We know the work is in security and he’s prohibited from disclosing which agency or agencies he’s working for.”
Here is the rub. Even if he is not working for a government agency directly and he is a contractor for an intelligence agency he would still have to submit an SF86 and still pass the most rigorous national security scrutiny – unless of course that process was greased for him just like it has been for others in the Obama White House who couldn’t pass such scrutiny normally on their best day. One thing is almost a certainty; someone tipped off the Washington Post to this and they almost certainly know more than what they are reporting here.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


They walked in tandem, each of the ninety-two students filing into the already crowded auditorium. 

With their rich maroon gowns flowing and the traditional caps, they looked almost as grown up as they felt. Dads swallowed hard behind broad smiles,
and Moms freely brush away tears.

This class would NOT pray during the commencements, not by choice, but because of a recent court ruling 
prohibiting it.

The principal and several students were careful to 

stay within the guidelines allowed by the ruling. 
They gave inspirational and challenging speeches, 
but no one mentioned divine guidance and no one 
 asked for blessings on the graduates or their families.

The speeches were nice, but they were routine until the final speech received a standing ovation.

A solitary student walked proudly to the microphone. He stood still and silent for just a moment, and then, 
it happened.

All 92 students, every single one of them, suddenly 

                            SNEEZED !!!!
The student on stage simply looked at the audience 

and said,        'GOD BLESS YOU'
And he walked off the stage...

The audience exploded into applause. This graduating class had found a unique way to invoke God's blessing on their future with or without the court's approval.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Monday, July 2, 2012

Is this the America we all want???

Has America become the land of special 
interest and home of the double standard?

Let's see: If we lie to the Congress, it's a felony
and if Congress lies to us it's just politics.

If we dislike a black person, we're a racist 
and if a black dislikes whites, it's their 1st 
Amendment right.

The government spends millions to rehabilitate 
criminals and they do almost nothing for the 

In public schools you can teach that homo-
sexuality and lesbianism is ok, but you better 
not use the word God in the process.

You can murder a child in the mothers womb,
but it's wrong to execute a mass murderer.

We don't burn books in America, we now 
rewrite them. We got rid of the communist 
& socialist threat by renaming them progressives.

If you protest against Obama's policies you're 
a terrorist, but if you burn an American flag
it's your 1st Amendment right.

You can have pornography on TV or the internet, 
but you better not put a nativity scene in a public 
park during Christmas.

In America, criminals are now called sick people.

The government takes money from those who 
work hard & gives it to those who are lazy.

Parenting has been replaced with Ritalin & 
video games.

The land of opportunity is now the land of 
hand outs.

And how do we handle a major crisis today? 
The Government appoints a committee to 
determine who's at fault, then threatens them, 
passes a law, raises our taxes, then tells us the 
problem is solved so they can get back to their 
reelection campaign.
What has America become?