FREEDOM is not a Gift.
FREEDOM is a Process of Education,
Action,and at times Standing your ground.
I will try to keep you Informed
I may even Call you to Action
But only you know if Your
FREEDOM is worth the Fight!
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
President Barack H. Obama
President Obama won the 2008 election, even though his beliefs
and political positions were all but completely unknown to most
Americans. He is a man with no great record of accomplishments
in the Senate, or anywhere else, yet the national news media
constantly gush over him. Seldom is heard a discouraging word
about the man, even though nobody really knows what he stands for.
The only thing that distinguished him from the rest of the Democratic
front-runners (in the eyes of the media) was his ethnicity.
Apparently that's all it takes.
Mr. Obama has never managed a business of any kind, nor has he
ever worked in a for-profit environment. He appears to abhor the
concepts of monetary profit and capitalism. His only management
positions have been in organizations that give away other people's
money, such as the Woods Fund and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
He has never served in the military (for which the news media would
never forgive a Republican candidate). His only leadership skill is his
ability to read a teleprompter — without which he is completely lost.
More importantly, he has been surrounded by left-wing anti-American
radicals and genuine Communists all his life, he had the most liberal
voting record during his very brief term in the Senate, and he appears
to be a fundamentally dishonest man with major character flaws.
He claims to be a Christian, although there is much more evidence that
he is actually a Muslim. He supports and approves of abortion by any
method and at any stage of pregnancy — or slightly beyond.
And apparently he is not legally qualified to hold the office of President:
His own grandmother insists that she was present when Obama was
born — in Kenya — but even if he was born in Hawaii, he was registered
in an Indonesian school as a citizen of Indonesia.*
During his campaign, enthusiastic crowds of Obama fans cheered as he promised to have the federal government pay for medical bills, cheap
and abundant energy, college tuition, and a long list of other goodies.
Very few of them gave the slightest thought about who would ultimately
pay for it all. Upon close examination, his speeches are full of empty promises, self-contradictory claims, and flag-waving rhetoric. And it's
not necessarily the American flag he's waving.
In the 2008 presidential campaign, John McCain was afraid to bring up
any of the subjects listed below, but I'm not.
Obama and Associates, P.U.
Overviews of Obama's unsavory associates.
Jeremiah Wright and the TUCC -- This alone should have sunk
Obama's campaign.
Michelle Obama
Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn
What evidence lurks at the University of Illinois?
Frank Marshall Davis
Tony Rezko
Other questionable associates and endorsements
Important questions about Mr. Obama
Is Obama a Christian? He says he is, and yet...
Obama wants no association with Christianity
Obama makes vague references to religion without a religious track record
Obama snubs the National Day of Prayer
Obama is a chronic liar
Obama is the most pro-abortion candidate ever
Obama faces credible accusations of plagiarism
Is Obama a Muslim? He says he isn't, and yet...
Obama bows down to King Abdullah
Obama is no friend of Israel
Obama's new "Spiritual Advisor": Jim Wallis
Obama appears to be a Muslim sympathizer at the very least.
Obama is very friendly with the Muslims
Is Obama a natural born citizen?
Donald Trump investigates Obama's eligibility
Obama releases his birth certificate which appears to be a fake.
The Case of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin
Does Obama have a valid Social Security number?
Is Obama qualified for his job?
He has been a public parasite all his life
He was a "Community Organizer" — Big Deal!
He is a self-centered opportunist with an easily bruised ego
He plays the race card for all it's worth
He makes a lot of speeches
Examples of pro-Obama favoritism in the press
during the 2008 campaign,
between the election and his inauguration,
during his first year in office.
ABC News is the most obvious about it.
The Obama team manipulates the media.
Using doctors as props on the White House lawn.
Barack Obama vs Fox News Channel.
White House pressure is applied to all who disagree.
Using the National Endowment for the Arts as a propaganda tool.
Extreme left-wing radicalism
Including, but not limited to
The most liberal voting record in the Senate
Liberal ideology, Marxism and Anti-Americanism
Nationalizing and radicalizing the public schools
Making America bilingual
Petty partisan politics — he's just another politician
Reparations for slavery, affirmative action
Pie-in-the-sky plans for a leftist utopia
Gun control
Special rights and privileges for homosexuals
Radical environmentalism
Flip-flops, Campaign Finance, and "Rushing to the Center"
Gaffes and blunders on the campaign trail
Joe Biden brings his own gaffes and baggage
Post-election gaffes on the part of Vice-President Biden.
Obama was a big spender even before he was elected.
Prevarication, double-talk, deceptiveness, secrecy, chicanery,
and empty rhetoric
Accusations of plagiarism
Secrecy and obfuscation
General disingenuousness
Unmitigated lies
"Spontaneous" events and "randomly selected" people
Bait and switch
Flip-flops and broken promises
Obama resides on the outskirts of the law.
When you send your email address to the White House, you get... Spam!
Vague references to religion without a religious track record
Obama's voting record is sketchy at best
Obama makes impossible promises and his supporters expect too much
Pre-election scandals, suppressed news, and Obama's Chicago background
Fundraising scandals
Obama's long lost radio interview
Obama's -- well, somebody's -- long lost videotape
Barack's half-brother George
Barack's Aunt Zeituni
The dog ate my thesis
Obama favors free speech -- but only for himself.
Obama is a smoker
Prepare for an Obama Thugocracy
( ... featuring commentary about Joe the Plumber.)
Hiding behind the race card
Obama the victim
Is Obama black?
Post-election commentary about President-elect Obama:
Comparisons to previous leaders and political figures
The stock market's reaction and other economic issues
Obama made a lot of impossible promises
Remarks about the 2008 election itself
The unmitigated media favoritism continues
He's surrounded by Washington insiders -- So much for "change"
Obama carries the Clintons' baggage
In many ways, Obama is just another Democrat
Obama opposes school choice for you -- but not for him
Who's really happy about Obama's presidency?
Obama's cabinet, staff and other associates:
Eric Holder, Tom Daschle, Hillary Clinton, Timothy Geithner, etc.
Prepare for four years of minor scandals
An inauguration is not an emergency
What can we expect from the Obama administration?
The Liberal Laundry List
Ruling by executive orders -- where are the checks and balances?
Dealing with terrorists
More influence for the UN
Censoring conservative radio
Paying back the unions
Radical environmentalism
Property seizures
Socialized medicine
Packing the courts with liberal judges
Revenge and reversal
Racial quotas and reparations for slavery
Gun control
Nationalizing and radicalizing the public schools
Constantly expanding government
Weakening the military
Dealing with Cuba
Trying everything until something works
Popularizing cigarettes
Prepare for four years of minor scandals
Miscellaneous warning forecasts
The Obama presidency.
Commentary on the inauguration itself
Once again, an inauguration is not an emergency
Reaction to Obama's inaugural address
Disillusionment sets in: the wheels are already coming off.
Obama and his team are incompetent.
Obama has no qualifications for his job.
Obama is helpless without a teleprompter.
This is "hope"?
This is "change"?
Obama's Narcissism
Smoke and mirrors: An atmosphere of disingenuousness
Flip-flops and broken promises
Outright hypocrisy
The Obama team manipulates the news media
What's the rush?
The media favoritism continues
Tampering with the Census
Obama spends our money on himself
Obama's multi-million-dollar Indian junket
The New York City Flyover.
Bad ideas and bad decisions
Weakening America's defenses
Obama and the Muslims
Gun control
Rabid environmentalism
Socialized medicine
A rapidly expanding welfare state
A Congressman for the District of Columbia
Obama's Culture of Corruption
Obama the gas-guzzling limousine liberal
President Obama's Intentions for America:
Here a czar, there a czar, everywhere a czar czar.
Obama fraternizes quite cordially with dictators in other countries
Using public schools as indoctrination centers
The Homeland Security report on right wingers
Obama's stealthy moves toward gun control
All this adulation is a bit much
President for life?
The Obama Highway — one of many!
Apparently Obama hates America
Obama bows down to King Abdullah (as noted above)
Obama bows to Emperor Akihito
He certainly is no friend of Israel
Obama is weakening America's defenses
Obama is weakening our allies' defenses
Obama shows great potential — as a Marxist dictator!
Taking control of the internet
INTERPOL is granted immunity from U.S. law
Americorps and the firing of Inspector General Gerald Walpin
A Taste of the Obama Thugocracy at the "town hall" meetings.
The So-Called Stimulus Bill.
Pork products in the stimulus bill
Obamacare: Mandatory socialized medicine.
Obamacare is wildly unpopular and is sure to result in voter backlash.
Pelosi and Reid forge ahead, ignoring public outcries
Democrats have been obsessed with socialized medicine for decades
Can Obamacare be stopped?
Totalitarianism = Unstoppable one-party rule
Who is to blame for all this? Who are the enablers?
Obamacare will affect families and small businesses
The Obamacare bill is over 2,000 pages long. Who knows what's hidden inside?
Does Obamacare include blanket amnesty for illegal aliens?
Obamacare is Hillarycare in a new wrapper
Other objections to Obamacare
Liberals are using lies and deception to sell this idea.
Liberals resort to lies and emotional outbursts to silence their opposition.
Examples of dishonesty and prevarication related to Obamacare.
What's the rush?
Secrecy, closed-door meetings, and midnight votes.
Liberals are not telling you that Obamacare will bankrupt the United States.
Obama's Big Health Care Summit.
Obamacare is obviously infeasible.
Obamacare won't work as advertised. The promised benefits will never come to pass.
Doctors won't work under these conditions!
Obamacare solves problems that don't exist and doesn't address problems we already have.
Obamacare will result in the loss of your freedom...
Obamacare is socialism -- or worse!
Obamacare opens the door to tyranny.
The Senate bill includes an unprecedented trap: It can't be repealed!
...or perhaps your life.
Rationing and "End of Life" issues.
Taxpayer-funded abortions.
Obamacare will cost far more than the Democrats are letting on.
Obamacare will be horribly expensive.
Obamacare is an affront to the rule of law.
Obamacare will be mandatory -- and therefore unconstitutional.
Despite what you may have heard, health care is not a right.
Reid, Pelosi and Obama shamelessly buy votes
Obamacare carries an odor of corruption.
Obamacare is signed into law, and then...
Implementation of Obamacare.
Legal Challenges to Obamacare.
Obama and the Stock Market: The most preventable financial disaster in history.
Obama's self-inflicted economic collapse
Nationalizing the banks
Obama opposes capitalism
Massive spending and the fast track to socialism
Tea parties and other organized rejection of Obama's plans
Tea party subtopics
A few words about FDR's New Deal
The use of AIG as a scapegoat
Nationalization of General Motors and Chrysler
The "Cash for Clunkers" program
Obama was seen as a big spender long before the presidential election.
Obama's proposed 2012 budget
The Rising Clamor for Obama's Impeachment
Obama's Spontaneous War in Libya
Gun Runner / Fast and Furious
The Solyndra Scandal
Preferential Treatment of the Black Panthers
The Fish and Wildlife raid on Gibson Guitar
Using the NLRB as a weapon
Using the EPA as a weapon
Using the FCC as a weapon
Using the IRS as a weapon
Choking off the supply of oil in the Gulf of Mexico
Eric Holder and the politicized Justice Department
Obama's Culture of Corruption
and political positions were all but completely unknown to most
Americans. He is a man with no great record of accomplishments
in the Senate, or anywhere else, yet the national news media
constantly gush over him. Seldom is heard a discouraging word
about the man, even though nobody really knows what he stands for.
The only thing that distinguished him from the rest of the Democratic
front-runners (in the eyes of the media) was his ethnicity.
Apparently that's all it takes.
Mr. Obama has never managed a business of any kind, nor has he
ever worked in a for-profit environment. He appears to abhor the
concepts of monetary profit and capitalism. His only management
positions have been in organizations that give away other people's
money, such as the Woods Fund and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
He has never served in the military (for which the news media would
never forgive a Republican candidate). His only leadership skill is his
ability to read a teleprompter — without which he is completely lost.
More importantly, he has been surrounded by left-wing anti-American
radicals and genuine Communists all his life, he had the most liberal
voting record during his very brief term in the Senate, and he appears
to be a fundamentally dishonest man with major character flaws.
He claims to be a Christian, although there is much more evidence that
he is actually a Muslim. He supports and approves of abortion by any
method and at any stage of pregnancy — or slightly beyond.
And apparently he is not legally qualified to hold the office of President:
His own grandmother insists that she was present when Obama was
born — in Kenya — but even if he was born in Hawaii, he was registered
in an Indonesian school as a citizen of Indonesia.*
During his campaign, enthusiastic crowds of Obama fans cheered as he promised to have the federal government pay for medical bills, cheap
and abundant energy, college tuition, and a long list of other goodies.
Very few of them gave the slightest thought about who would ultimately
pay for it all. Upon close examination, his speeches are full of empty promises, self-contradictory claims, and flag-waving rhetoric. And it's
not necessarily the American flag he's waving.
In the 2008 presidential campaign, John McCain was afraid to bring up
any of the subjects listed below, but I'm not.
Obama and Associates, P.U.
Overviews of Obama's unsavory associates.
Jeremiah Wright and the TUCC -- This alone should have sunk
Obama's campaign.
Michelle Obama
Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn
What evidence lurks at the University of Illinois?
Frank Marshall Davis
Tony Rezko
Other questionable associates and endorsements
Important questions about Mr. Obama
Is Obama a Christian? He says he is, and yet...
Obama wants no association with Christianity
Obama makes vague references to religion without a religious track record
Obama snubs the National Day of Prayer
Obama is a chronic liar
Obama is the most pro-abortion candidate ever
Obama faces credible accusations of plagiarism
Is Obama a Muslim? He says he isn't, and yet...
Obama bows down to King Abdullah
Obama is no friend of Israel
Obama's new "Spiritual Advisor": Jim Wallis
Obama appears to be a Muslim sympathizer at the very least.
Obama is very friendly with the Muslims
Is Obama a natural born citizen?
Donald Trump investigates Obama's eligibility
Obama releases his birth certificate which appears to be a fake.
The Case of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin
Does Obama have a valid Social Security number?
Is Obama qualified for his job?
He has been a public parasite all his life
He was a "Community Organizer" — Big Deal!
He is a self-centered opportunist with an easily bruised ego
He plays the race card for all it's worth
He makes a lot of speeches
Examples of pro-Obama favoritism in the press
during the 2008 campaign,
between the election and his inauguration,
during his first year in office.
ABC News is the most obvious about it.
The Obama team manipulates the media.
Using doctors as props on the White House lawn.
Barack Obama vs Fox News Channel.
White House pressure is applied to all who disagree.
Using the National Endowment for the Arts as a propaganda tool.
Extreme left-wing radicalism
Including, but not limited to
The most liberal voting record in the Senate
Liberal ideology, Marxism and Anti-Americanism
Nationalizing and radicalizing the public schools
Making America bilingual
Petty partisan politics — he's just another politician
Reparations for slavery, affirmative action
Pie-in-the-sky plans for a leftist utopia
Gun control
Special rights and privileges for homosexuals
Radical environmentalism
Flip-flops, Campaign Finance, and "Rushing to the Center"
Gaffes and blunders on the campaign trail
Joe Biden brings his own gaffes and baggage
Post-election gaffes on the part of Vice-President Biden.
Obama was a big spender even before he was elected.
Prevarication, double-talk, deceptiveness, secrecy, chicanery,
and empty rhetoric
Accusations of plagiarism
Secrecy and obfuscation
General disingenuousness
Unmitigated lies
"Spontaneous" events and "randomly selected" people
Bait and switch
Flip-flops and broken promises
Obama resides on the outskirts of the law.
When you send your email address to the White House, you get... Spam!
Vague references to religion without a religious track record
Obama's voting record is sketchy at best
Obama makes impossible promises and his supporters expect too much
Pre-election scandals, suppressed news, and Obama's Chicago background
Fundraising scandals
Obama's long lost radio interview
Obama's -- well, somebody's -- long lost videotape
Barack's half-brother George
Barack's Aunt Zeituni
The dog ate my thesis
Obama favors free speech -- but only for himself.
Obama is a smoker
Prepare for an Obama Thugocracy
( ... featuring commentary about Joe the Plumber.)
Hiding behind the race card
Obama the victim
Is Obama black?
Post-election commentary about President-elect Obama:
Comparisons to previous leaders and political figures
The stock market's reaction and other economic issues
Obama made a lot of impossible promises
Remarks about the 2008 election itself
The unmitigated media favoritism continues
He's surrounded by Washington insiders -- So much for "change"
Obama carries the Clintons' baggage
In many ways, Obama is just another Democrat
Obama opposes school choice for you -- but not for him
Who's really happy about Obama's presidency?
Obama's cabinet, staff and other associates:
Eric Holder, Tom Daschle, Hillary Clinton, Timothy Geithner, etc.
Prepare for four years of minor scandals
An inauguration is not an emergency
What can we expect from the Obama administration?
The Liberal Laundry List
Ruling by executive orders -- where are the checks and balances?
Dealing with terrorists
More influence for the UN
Censoring conservative radio
Paying back the unions
Radical environmentalism
Property seizures
Socialized medicine
Packing the courts with liberal judges
Revenge and reversal
Racial quotas and reparations for slavery
Gun control
Nationalizing and radicalizing the public schools
Constantly expanding government
Weakening the military
Dealing with Cuba
Trying everything until something works
Popularizing cigarettes
Prepare for four years of minor scandals
Miscellaneous warning forecasts
The Obama presidency.
Commentary on the inauguration itself
Once again, an inauguration is not an emergency
Reaction to Obama's inaugural address
Disillusionment sets in: the wheels are already coming off.
Obama and his team are incompetent.
Obama has no qualifications for his job.
Obama is helpless without a teleprompter.
This is "hope"?
This is "change"?
Obama's Narcissism
Smoke and mirrors: An atmosphere of disingenuousness
Flip-flops and broken promises
Outright hypocrisy
The Obama team manipulates the news media
What's the rush?
The media favoritism continues
Tampering with the Census
Obama spends our money on himself
Obama's multi-million-dollar Indian junket
The New York City Flyover.
Bad ideas and bad decisions
Weakening America's defenses
Obama and the Muslims
Gun control
Rabid environmentalism
Socialized medicine
A rapidly expanding welfare state
A Congressman for the District of Columbia
Obama's Culture of Corruption
Obama the gas-guzzling limousine liberal
President Obama's Intentions for America:
Here a czar, there a czar, everywhere a czar czar.
Obama fraternizes quite cordially with dictators in other countries
Using public schools as indoctrination centers
The Homeland Security report on right wingers
Obama's stealthy moves toward gun control
All this adulation is a bit much
President for life?
The Obama Highway — one of many!
Apparently Obama hates America
Obama bows down to King Abdullah (as noted above)
Obama bows to Emperor Akihito
He certainly is no friend of Israel
Obama is weakening America's defenses
Obama is weakening our allies' defenses
Obama shows great potential — as a Marxist dictator!
Taking control of the internet
INTERPOL is granted immunity from U.S. law
Americorps and the firing of Inspector General Gerald Walpin
A Taste of the Obama Thugocracy at the "town hall" meetings.
The So-Called Stimulus Bill.
Pork products in the stimulus bill
Obamacare: Mandatory socialized medicine.
Obamacare is wildly unpopular and is sure to result in voter backlash.
Pelosi and Reid forge ahead, ignoring public outcries
Democrats have been obsessed with socialized medicine for decades
Can Obamacare be stopped?
Totalitarianism = Unstoppable one-party rule
Who is to blame for all this? Who are the enablers?
Obamacare will affect families and small businesses
The Obamacare bill is over 2,000 pages long. Who knows what's hidden inside?
Does Obamacare include blanket amnesty for illegal aliens?
Obamacare is Hillarycare in a new wrapper
Other objections to Obamacare
Liberals are using lies and deception to sell this idea.
Liberals resort to lies and emotional outbursts to silence their opposition.
Examples of dishonesty and prevarication related to Obamacare.
What's the rush?
Secrecy, closed-door meetings, and midnight votes.
Liberals are not telling you that Obamacare will bankrupt the United States.
Obama's Big Health Care Summit.
Obamacare is obviously infeasible.
Obamacare won't work as advertised. The promised benefits will never come to pass.
Doctors won't work under these conditions!
Obamacare solves problems that don't exist and doesn't address problems we already have.
Obamacare will result in the loss of your freedom...
Obamacare is socialism -- or worse!
Obamacare opens the door to tyranny.
The Senate bill includes an unprecedented trap: It can't be repealed!
...or perhaps your life.
Rationing and "End of Life" issues.
Taxpayer-funded abortions.
Obamacare will cost far more than the Democrats are letting on.
Obamacare will be horribly expensive.
Obamacare is an affront to the rule of law.
Obamacare will be mandatory -- and therefore unconstitutional.
Despite what you may have heard, health care is not a right.
Reid, Pelosi and Obama shamelessly buy votes
Obamacare carries an odor of corruption.
Obamacare is signed into law, and then...
Implementation of Obamacare.
Legal Challenges to Obamacare.
Obama and the Stock Market: The most preventable financial disaster in history.
Obama's self-inflicted economic collapse
Nationalizing the banks
Obama opposes capitalism
Massive spending and the fast track to socialism
Tea parties and other organized rejection of Obama's plans
Tea party subtopics
A few words about FDR's New Deal
The use of AIG as a scapegoat
Nationalization of General Motors and Chrysler
The "Cash for Clunkers" program
Obama was seen as a big spender long before the presidential election.
Obama's proposed 2012 budget
The Rising Clamor for Obama's Impeachment
Obama's Spontaneous War in Libya
Gun Runner / Fast and Furious
The Solyndra Scandal
Preferential Treatment of the Black Panthers
The Fish and Wildlife raid on Gibson Guitar
Using the NLRB as a weapon
Using the EPA as a weapon
Using the FCC as a weapon
Using the IRS as a weapon
Choking off the supply of oil in the Gulf of Mexico
Eric Holder and the politicized Justice Department
Obama's Culture of Corruption
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
This tells the story
This tells the story, why the Bush “inheritance” really began in January 2007 when the Democrats took over Congress.
The day the democrats took over was not January 22nd 2009, it was actually January 3rd 2007 the day the Democrats took over the House of Representatives and the Senate, at the very start of the 110th Congress.
The Democrat Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995.
For those who are listening to the liberals propagating the fallacy that everything is "Bush's Fault", think about this:
January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the Congress. At the time:
The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
The Unemployment rate was 4.6%
George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB GROWTH
Remember the day...
January 3rd, 2007 was the day that Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee.
The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part of the economy?
Unemployment... to this CRISIS by (among MANY other things) dumping 5-6 TRILLION Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac FIASCOES!
Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001 because it was financially risky for the US economy.
And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac? OBAMA
And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie?
OBAMA and the Democrat Congress
So when someone tries to blame Bush..
Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democrat Party.
Furthermore, the Democrats controlled the budget process for 2008 & 2009 as well as 2010 &2011.
In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases.
For 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the 2009 budgets.
And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete 2009.
If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets.
If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself. In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th.
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