FREEDOM is not a Gift.
FREEDOM is a Process of Education,
Action,and at times Standing your ground.
I will try to keep you Informed
I may even Call you to Action
But only you know if Your
FREEDOM is worth the Fight!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
This Last Week:
Lindsay Lohan who is 24 has her life all over the news.
Charlie Sheen's insane life has also been all over the news.
WHY? Because they are celebrities?
Justin Allen--23
Brett Linley--29
Matthew Weikert--29
Justus Barlett--27
Dave Santos--21
Jesse Reed--26
Matthew Johnson--21
Zachary Fisher--24
Brandon King--23
Christopher Goeke--23
Sheldon Tate--27
All Marines who gave their lives this week for us.
Where is the Press for these Heros??
There was no media for them!
Not even the mention of their names!
Rep. Allen West Introduces The Global Combat Zone Recognition Act
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Rep. Allen West released the following statement:
Congressman Allen West (FL-22) will introduce legislation next week
addressing the treatment of members of the Armed Services killed or
wounded in a terrorist attack.
The Global Combat Zone Recognition Act ensures that men and women
targeted specifically because they wear our nation’s uniform are treated
and recognized as the same as those who are attacked in active combat zones.
“The complexities of the 21st Century Battlefield require us to reassess
and redefine what a combat zone is,” West said. “Our men and women
in uniform today face a non-state, non-uniform belligerent who has no
regard for international borders or boundaries, to include our homeland.
Our fight against radical Islam is not just against the Taliban in Afghanistan
or al Qaida in Iraq, but against a global movement aimed at destroying
Western civilization as we know it.”
“From Fort Hood, Texas, to Little Rock, Arkansas, to Frankfurt, Germany,
radicals have targeted the men and women of our Armed Forces simply
because they were in uniform. Whether in the United States, Europe or the
Middle East, any soldier, sailor, airman or Marine killed or wounded in this
global conflict deserves nothing less than to be treated as if they were
fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan.”
Read more:
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Death Wish
Posted by Jay Tea
Published: March 5, 2011Two stories came out last week, two stories that paint a very, very ugly
picture about the Obama administration and its notions of "border security."
The first: a report by an ATF agent that he was assigned to track stolen guns --
and when given the chance to seize them, was ordered to allow the guns to
"walk" and continue right into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.
The theory, he was told, was that the intelligence gained by following the guns
and the trail of possession they passed through was more valuable than the
risks of letting those guns get into the hands of the cartels.
The second:
a report on the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry last December.
Terry was part of a patrol along the Mexican border when they were confronted
by Mexican drug cartel gunners. The Border Patrol agents were, on the specific
orders of their superiors, armed with non-lethal weapons, and opened fire with
shotguns firing beanbags. The Mexicans responded with real guns --
and Agent Terry was killed.
So, here we have two policies of the Obama administration:
first, to not only allow but assist the Mexican drug cartels to get guns;
second, to deny border patrol agents from using their own guns in a lethal fashion.
Together, they form a lethal setup:
the drug cartels with heavy-duty weapons, border patrol agents with beanbags.
It's a formulation with only one possible outcome: American agents getting killed.
This could just be incompetence.
This could just be ignorance.
This could just be a case of Obama's left hand not realizing
what his right hand is doing, and no one connecting the dots.
But that can't be; we've been told, repeatedly, that Obama is brilliant.
That he's surrounded himself with the best and brightest,
and they know just what they're doing.
So, the inescapable conclusion:
the Obama administration is trying to get US agents killed.
It's not clear why, what purpose their deaths will serve,
but that's the only conclusion one can draw.