Monday, January 24, 2011

Rep. Allen West Weekly Wrap Up 1.24.2011

Greetings patriots,
First, let me offer my sincere and humble condolences to the families and
fellow law enforcement comrades of Miami-Dade County police officers
Roger Castillo and Amanda Haworth. We lost two of South Florida's finest
this past week to a craven murderer and his complicit mother. Officers Castillo
and Haworth represent those who form that "Thin Blue Line." They risk their lives
daily serving and protecting our communities. God has a special place for those
warriors and heroes who guard us. I never met these brave officers but I shall
forever deem them my brother and sister. May God welcome them into His place
and they find a seat at the table in Valhalla. May our Lord bless those they leave
behind and grant them the solace that only His Holy Spirit can provide.
This was another eventful week and it represented our first major vote in keeping
with the promise made to those who deployed me to Capitol Hill.
The week began with the Deerfield Beach Martin Luther King Jr. parade and
celebration service. It was a nice 1.2 mile walk from Pioneer Park to the local
community center gymnasium. Mayor Peggy Noland expressed to me that yours
truly was the first ever Congressional Representative to ever walk in that procession.
Needless to say, it will not be the last time.
Immediately following speaking in Deerfield Beach, I headed to the Ft. Lauderdale
airport to fly to New York City for the Congress on Racial Equality (CORE) annual MLK Jr.
commemorative dinner. The plan was to take off at 2pm and land around stated,
that was the plan. After a one hour late arrival for the aircraft, we ended up sitting on the plane
for another 90 minutes before takeoff due to debris on the runway. I arrived in NYC at 8:30 p.m.,
took a cab over to the hotel, changed in a conference room, and still made the tail end of the
dinner and spoke.
The following Tuesday morning, I had an early wake up and headed over to the Fox News
studio for a live appearance on Fox and Friends. I had met Brian Kilmeade before but it was
fantastic to finally meet Steve Doocy and Gretchen Carlson. Gretchen did the interview and we
discussed the upcoming healthcare law repeal vote and federal government fiscal responsibility
as it applied to the debt ceiling.
When the interview ended, there stood Stuart Varney and we had a nice quick chat.
Following the Fox interview, I had a breakfast presentation sponsored by Bill Siegel and
Monica Crowley as part of the Hudson Institute. The main topic was
'Understanding the Liberal Progressive Legislative Agenda for America and the
21st Century Battlefield.'
Wednesday, I voted to repeal Obamacare, and of course there were the typical antics from the left.
The liberal activist groups were outside the building handing out their disinformation palm cards.
Inside the left wing, sponsored unions were busy with their "robo-calls" to our office. I find it utterly
hilarious to receive calls from targeted individuals who truly have no lucid comprehension, they just
repeat a talking point script. My advice to these union groups, don't waste your resources on me.
It was very fulfilling to insert my voting card, press "Yes", and watch the green "Y" appear next to
my name on repealing Obamacare. The following day we voted on HR 9 to replace it and our
House committees will get to work to create free market solutions to improve our American
healthcare system.
This past week, I had my first luncheon as a member of the Congressional Black Caucus.
Prior to the meeting commencing, I had a good chat with Chairman Cleaver (D-Missouri).
I look forward to being a contributing member of this body politic and reaching the goals and
objectives as specified in the organization's mission statement. I believe that the conservative
principles and values which I espouse are critical for the success of the black community.
I had many meetings and interviews in the office this week, but most memorable and satisfying
was the one with Juliana Taimoorazy, president of the Iraqi Christian Relief Council.
She is an Iraqi Christian woman who is now advocating for the Christian community she left behind
some years ago. Coming off the horrendous attacks against the Coptic Christian community in Egypt,
this is an issue to which we need to commit our attention and vigilance. I gave Ms. Taimoorazy my
pledge to be a spokesperson for this cause. I shall not be tolerant of the intolerant because when
tolerance becomes a one way street it leads to cultural suicide.
That is why I found it comical that the head of the South Florida Council for American Islamic Relations
(CAIR), contacted me requesting a meeting. My response to him is as the Commander of the 101st
Airborne Division, BG McAuliffe, at Bastogne when asked to surrender by the Germans......."Nuts".
On Friday, I had a super meeting with the Ft. Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce leadership.
We are going to resurrect the Ft. Lauderdale "fly-in" to Washington DC for the local business
and community leaders. We have tentatively set aside May 2011, so be on the lookout for details.
It will be my honor to revive this honored tradition first started by Congressman E Clay Shaw.
Saturday, I was up and out for my morning ten mile run along Ft. Lauderdale beach, over the
17th Street causeway, and back to our starting point at George English park. It is always a thrill
to run at sunrise with my fellow running enthusiasts, and constituents. I am an honorary member
of the Friends in Training (FIT) group and they have decided to allow me to host them in October
as we shall run the Army Ten Miler race.
Later, I had the distinct pleasure of being the guest speaker at the Broward Navy League
new officer installation luncheon. It was held aboard one of the luxurious Port Everglades cruise ships.
Needless to say, before and after speaking, I had to endure abuse from the former Naval service
officers referencing the inability of the Army football team to defeat Navy.
I made a simple pledge, if ever I become Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Services........
I shall suspend the entire Navy football team prior to the traditional Army-Navy game.......
Go Army Beat Navy......PLEASE!
Sunday again, up early with my running mates, Juan and Mike and we did our 8 mile canal run,
and since I am the oldest, these guys keep sandbagging and sprinting at the end, jerks.
Angela and I spent our Sunday morning with the Jewish community in Jupiter Florida at the
ground breaking ceremony of the Chabad Lubavitch of Jupiter. Special hat tip to Rabbi and
Rabbetzin Barash for their visionary leadership, resolve, and perseverance in this quest.
I look forward to returning for the dedication of the center. The wrap up to the week came as
we had a nice quiet Sunday brunch with friends and supporters, Howard and Marilyn Parmet,
at Frenchmen's Reserve in Palm Beach Gardens.
If you are ever at the brunch there, try the waffles.
This evening, Angela and I will attend the White House reception for the new members of the
112th Congress. I have not been in the White House since I was a little boy with Mom.
If anyone wants to know what the American Dream looks like, I am living it.
On Tuesday, I shall sit in the House chamber for my first State of the Union address.
I believe in tradition and therefore shall sit in the appropriate section designated for those
calling themselves Republican. I shall not take part in the kindergarten style tactics of having
a recess buddy. Could it be that the President is concerned about his first foray into the House
of Representatives not having a majority throng cheering his every word?
President Bush delivered his two final State of the Union addresses while his own party was in
the minority, not asking for special accommodations, so should President Obama.
There is something to be said about tradition. It is respectful, but principled.
Steadfast and Loyal,

Congressman Allen West Hosts Town Hall Meetings

Join us for a Town Hall Meeting with Congressman Allen West

Come hear from your Congressman on the important issues in Washington
and be prepared to voice your concerns, issues and suggestions.

Thursday, January 27th at 7pm

South Florida Bible College

747 South Federal Highway

Deerfield Beach, FL

Monday, January 31st at 7pm

St. Mark's Catholic School

730 NE 6th Avenue

Boynton Beach, FL

"A Slap in Israel’s Face"

Allen West Denounces Obama Regime For Allowing PLO to

Fly its Flag in DC: “A Slap in Israel’s Face”…

And that’s exactly what Obama and the State Department meant it to be,

a slap in Israel’s face.

(Sun Sentinel)- The office of U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Plantation, says the freshman congressman is publicly condemning the Palestine Liberation Organization, or PLO, for raising its flag outside its offices in the nation’s capital.

“The raising of this flag is an attempt to legitimize an organization with a known history of terrorist actions,” West said, in a written news release.

“By allowing this flag to be flown, the United States is extending a diplomatic right that we refrain from offering to even our own allies, like Taiwan. This action is a diplomatic slap in the face of our greatest of allies, Israel.”

He was joined by another South Florida congressperson and fellow Republican, U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, in condemning the flag-raising. They’re asking President Obama and the Department of State’s Foreign Missions to yank back the permission that was given to the PLO to raise it.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Praise The LORD

MSNBC said late Friday that the cable network and host
Keith Olbermann "have ended their contract," and that his show
"Countdown with Keith Olbermann" will no longer appear on the
network after the todays broadcast.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Boxing George

MLK Day in Columbia,, S.C.

The annual MLK observance at the state house in Columbia SC had an interesting twist this year. The event is held on the north side steps of the statehouse. Prominent at that location is a large bronze statue of George Washington. This year, the NAACP constructed a “box” to conceal the Father of His Country from view so that participants would not be offended by his presence.

This rally was sponsored by the NAACP and they said that they
covered the statue because they “didn’t want to offend anyone”.
George Washington is the father of this nation.
How is he offensive to anyone?
Of course, this disgusting display of anti-Americanism
wasn’t covered at all by the national media and only the
local paper in Columbia had a little piece on it.
It has been covered a little by the blog-world and I
think the word needs to get out to the general public
that this is what the NAACP is all about…..militant,
hateful and racist.
In doing this, they disrespected Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I bet he would be equally disgusted.

Rooney Earns GOP Deputy Whip Post

Rooney Earns GOP Deputy Whip Post

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Tom Rooney (FL-16)

was selected today to serve as a Republican Deputy

Whip for the 112th Congress by Majority Whip-elect

Kevin McCarthy (CA-22). Rooney was the only

second-term member to be tapped as a Deputy Whip.

“I am honored to be part of the team that will help

ensure vital legislation gets approved in the House of Representatives,” Rooney said. “With the economy struggling, millions of Americans out of work and

deficits at an all-time high, we have a difficult road

ahead of us, but I believe we are up to the challenge.

“I look forward to being a stronger voice for Florida and the 16th district,

and I will bring Florida’s ideas and concerns to the table as a member of

the Republican leadership team,” Rooney added.

“In his first two years in the House, Congressman Rooney displayed the

hard work and leadership that will make him a valuable asset as a Deputy Whip,”

said Majority Whip-elect Kevin McCarthy. “I am pleased he has accepted this

important role and look forward to working with him.”

In addition to being the only second-term Republican member selected to

serve as a Deputy Whip, Rooney will chair the House Agriculture Subcommittee

on Livestock, Dairy and Poultry in the 112th Congress. Rooney is also the only

member of his class appointed to the House Intelligence Committee.


1529 Longworth House Office Building · Washington, D.C. · 20515

Phone: (202) 225-5792 ·

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Congressman West's Weekly Wrap-Up-January 11, 2011

Greetings to the Constituents of Florida Congressional District 22 and all Americans,

what an incredible and momentous week this has been. It is with great, and humbling,

honor that I send this first weekly update as your Congressional Representative.

First of all, I'd like to send my thoughts and prayers to Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords,

her staff and her family as well as all of the victims of this terrible tragedy in Arizona.

My family grieves for those innocent lives lost and prays for the recovery of those brave

individuals still fighting for their lives. This horrible tragedy is a reminder that we are

all Americans first. Congresswoman Gifford's will to survive is a testament to her strength

and courage. As we go forward, I will continue to make myself available to my constituents

through monthly town hall meetings and other venues. I will continue to follow the direction

of the Sergeant of Arms Office in how to best secure my public meetings, but in no way will

this incident deter me from being available to the very people who elected me.

One more thing, for anyone to say this tragedy is a result of any kind of political dialogue

is a tragedy in itself. The shooter was a very disturbed individual and it appears there were

so many warning signs that he was going to do something horrible. We should be focusing on

the mental health crisis in our country, not politics.

There is so much to share with you all but first let me just say thanks to all those who

took the time to come up for the swearing in ceremony and also to those of you who

watched from the District.

Special recognition and gratitude to Joyce Kaufman for

broadcasting her show from

our campaign headquarters

and hosting the dedicated

Go West team members.

Last week got off to a thrilling start with an interview with Chris Wallace on

Fox News Sunday. I truly enjoyed the opportunity to express my positions on

the critical economic issue which we face.

It was extremely important for me to convey to

Mr. Wallace that I do not believe in fear-mongering

leadership. No one follows an individual who panics

or instills fear in tough situations, people are drawn

to those who calmly outline a vision for success and victory.

Angela, Aubrey, and Austen arrived to Washington DC on Monday evening and

we all met on Tuesday. It was so special having the girls up here.. It is imperative

for each generation of American to set a new course and direction for their

subsequent generations. I pray that I can truly give more to my daughters, as well

as all of your children and grandchildren, as Herman and Elizabeth West left for me.

Special thanks to Eyta, Laor and Renee and Danny Kaufman for the wonderful reception

they hosted on Tuesday evening. I finally made my way there after the reception at

The Florida House where I was able to congratulate Senator Marco Rubio.

In between these two receptions, I was able to visit with the Republican Jewish Coalition

and meet so many wonderful people, to include former House Speaker Newt Gingrich,

who made it possible for me to become Congressman West.

Swearing in day began as a Soldier would have it, a 0500 hrs run with two friends,

Brendan Barry and Vince Virga along the National Mall from the Capitol down to the

Lincoln Memorial. It was a nice 7 mile run for me but enabled me to put all this into

perspective. As an American Warrior, my life has been spent standing upon freedoms

rampart guarding the institutions of liberty for our Constitutional Republic.

Later that day, I would again take the oath first taken on 31 July 1982 but this time I

would be serving inside one the institutions that make America great, yes, exceptional.

The middle Son of Buck and Snooks (my parents' nicknames) would soon be walking

among places of greatness.

The first ceremony of the day was to be sworn into the Congressional Black Caucus,

the first Republican in almost 20 years. It was the right thing to do and regardless of

the media attention, all went well and the reception was just fantastic.

When Representative John Lewis came up that day to shake my hand, I reminisced the

days when my parents voted for him...and I told him such. I let him know that I attended

Henry Grady High School and he let me know that his dry cleaners is the one across the

street from my Alma Mater, which I clearly remember. Incoming CBC Chairman Rep Cleaver

spoke about "rebuilding the wall", and I told him that after having stood as a sentinel upon

the external wall of freedom.......I am ready to take my post on the wall of restoring our

Republic, recommitting to our principles, and reclaiming our American pride.

The swearing in ceremony was spectacular and sitting to my right was former

Congressman Clay Shaw, who pinned on my 112th Congressional lapel pin.

It was great to enable Congressman Shaw,

a true American Statesman, to return

to the House floor and be remembered and

honored by his former colleagues.

Up in the gallery, sat Aubrey and Austen, and I pray this was a moment which they

shall never forget. Members of my extended family from both sides came up as well

as so many of my friends that I served with in the military. It was a great moment

for me to take that first picture with the family and especially with my young nephew,

Captain Herman West III, who was in his Army dress blue uniform.

God bless you all from all over the district, Florida, and America who shared this

moment with me.

The cherry on top of the sundae of swearing in day?

When former Commandant of the

Marine Corps General Carl E Mundy,

an Atlanta native as well, honored

our office with a visit to wish me well!

On Thursday, a very special honor came, I read the last part of Article I, Section 8 of

our United States Constitution, also known as the "Necessary and Proper" clause.

To have been part of a historic event, the first ever reading of the Constitution on

the House of Representatives floor will never be forgotten.

So enough of that memorable stuff,

you all sent me up here to work so here are some key points;

- I had a meeting with the Obama Administration Deputy Director for Legislative Affairs

to the US House on Thursday. We presented him with a letter outlining three major focus

areas, small business growth, Afghanistan (to include concerns about Rules of Engagement

and our heinously imprisoned American soldiers), and relations with the State of Israel.

- I had my first two House GOP meetings with the Armed Services and Small Business

Committees. I will be canvassing for small business owners who wish to come and testify

before the committee. As the schedule permits, I will be taking a CODEL

(Congressional Delegation) visit to Afghanistan.


I signed on as a co-sponsor on several pieces of legislation, some as an original cosponsor;

Repeal of Obamacare, Balanced Budget Amendment, Prohibition of Federal funding to

Public Broadcasting, End of Lame Duck Act, Repeal of Obamacare Individual Mandate,

Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition (ending federal taxpayer funding to abortions),

and the Birthright Citizenship Bill (prohibiting use of 14th Amendment for children

born to illegal immigrants in America), and Stand Alone requirement for Defense

Appropriations (MILCOM/Veterans Affairs) Bills.

There has been a lot of media attention given to me and you all must realize that

I shall always be straight and to the point. One thing I have seen here already is that

truth seems to be subjective and relative in the D.C. world. And as Jack Nicholson's

character COL. Nathan Jessup stated in the movie "A Few Good Men", there are those

who cannot handle the truth.

The strangest things this week: First, the taxpayer funded Institution of Peace.

Funny, I thought that was the business of the Pentagon. It is a lovely building

just off the back corner from the Lincoln Memorial.

Second, standing at the media interview area in the Cannon rotunda and watching

a Democrat Congressman apply makeup on his face, and it was his own personal makeup.

If anyone ever sees me applying makeup to myself, you have explicit orders to ask a

Capitol Hill Police Officer to arrest me.

I was in the district through this past Tuesday morning and attended the

Palm Beach Police officers ball Saturday and the Zionist of America meeting

in Boca Raton on Sunday. Saturday morning, I had an appearance on Fox and Friends.

In closing, it is an honor to serve all of you, those who voted for me and those who did not.

*Please go to my new Congressional Facebook page and become a fan as soon as you can.

It's important that you do this, click:

Congressman's Facebook Page

Steadfast and Loyal,

Allen West
Member of Congress

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gov. Scott Signs His First Executive Orders

January 04, 2011 12:19 PM

TALLAHASSEE — Immediately after being sworn-in as Florida’s
45th governor, Gov. Rick Scott fulfilled campaign promises by
signing executive orders to freeze job-killing regulations and
require state agencies to verify legal immigration status.
He also established a tough new ethics policy and affirmed his
commitment to diversity in employment.

Executive Order No. 11-01

Freezes all new regulations and establishes the Office of Fiscal
Accountability and Regulatory Reform, which will review all rules
prior to promulgation as well as agency practices and contracts.

•Immediately suspends rulemaking for all agencies under the
direction of the Governor.

•Establishes the Office of Fiscal Accountability and Regulatory
Reform to review all rules (including those suspended by the Order)
prior to promulgation and to review agency practices and contracts.

•Imposes 90-day suspension on execution of any contracts with a
value in excess of $1 million, without prior approval from the Office.

•Prohibits agencies from promulgating rules unless they obtain prior
approval from the Office.

Senator Greg Evers (R-Baker) today released the following statement
applauding Governor Rick Scott’s first official act as the Governor of
the State of Florida:

“Governor Scott today took the first major step to reduce government
red tape and regulation by signing Executive Order 11-01. This order
will help businesses in Northwest Florida, and all across Florida, and
help move our economy forward toward the ultimate goal of job creation.

“I applaud and thank Governor Scott for his immediate and bold actions.
Not only was today a monumental day for Governor Scott and his family,
but today is also a landmark day for Florida businesses.”

Executive Order No. 11-02

Requires state agencies to use the E-Verify system verify
employment eligibility of state employees and contractors.

•All state agencies under the direction of the Governor must
use E-Verify system to check employment eligibility of their
current and prospective employees.

•Requires state agencies under the direction of the Governor
to include in all state contracts a requirement that contractors
utilize the E-Verify system to verify the employment eligibility of:

••all persons employed during the contract term by the contractor
to perform employment duties within Florida; and

••all persons (including subcontractors) assigned by the contractor
to perform work pursuant to the contract with the state agency.

Executive Order No. 11-03

Establishes the Governor’s policy on ethics and open government.
Orders the adoption and implementation of a revised, stronger,
code of ethics in the Governor’s office, and directs agencies under
the direction of the Governor to revise their codes of ethics accordingly.

•Recognizes work of 19th Statewide Grand Jury and directs
Governor’s Special Counsel and Chief Ethics Officer to review
their Report and recommend a plan for implementation of all
or certain, as advisable, of the Grand Jury Recommendations.

•Reaffirms commitment to Office of Open Government and calls
for establishment of new Web site providing access to accountability

Executive Order No. 11-04

Reaffirms the Governor’s commitment to diversity in government.

•Reaffirms prohibition on discrimination in employment based on
race, gender, creed, color, or national origin, and affirms commitment
to hiring, retaining and promoting the highest quality candidates
regardless of the above.

•Reaffirms policy of non-discrimination in state contracting without
regard for race, gender, creed, color, or national origin.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Can Rick Scott Put Florida to Work?

OPINION Wall Street Journal
DECEMBER 31, 2010

"I'm going to run this state like a business,"
the new governor says.

Everyone's talking about the incoming Republican majority in the
House of Representatives, but we shouldn't forget the 17 newly
elected reformist GOP governors—from New Mexico to Ohio to Maine—
who are nearly all hostile to the overweening ambitions of the
federal government. Florida's Rick Scott may emerge as one
of the boldest.

As far as Washington goes, he says there's been "enough spending
and borrowing."
And as far as relations between the nation's capital
and the states are concerned, his mantra is even more blunt:
"Give us our power back. Give us our money and let us run our states."

Mr. Scott, who over the past quarter-century built a $20 billion
hospital empire, Columbia-HCA, has practically zero political
experience. The Florida governorship is his first elected office.
But his campaign theme—
"7 steps to create 700,000 jobs in 7 years"
—clearly resonated with anxious voters.
Florida has lost 700,000 jobs since the recession began and ranks
among the top five states in terms of mortgage foreclosures.
Home prices are down by 40% or more in cities like Tampa,
Fort Lauderdale and Naples.

"I'm going to run this state like a business," Mr. Scott promises.
"When businesses think of locating in North America,
I want to make sure that they think first about Florida."

His first executive order to jump-start the economy will be a
freeze on new regulations."We have plenty of rules already," he says.
He also wants to phase out the state corporate income tax over
the next seven years, slash property taxes by 19%, and rapidly
expand the state's K-12 vouchers and charter schools so Florida
parents have more educational options.

Associated Press

'Give us our power back. Give us our money and
let us run our states,'
says Florida Governor-elect Rick Scott.

Florida's budget deficit is $3.5 billion, and to deal with it
Mr. Scott says that state agencies will have to justify every
penny they want to spend.

"We will look at every agency and ask . . .

'What are you trying to achieve,

and is there a lower-cost way to do it?'"

He hopes to save $1.4 billion annually on Florida's public-employee
pensions by requiring greater worker contributions to the funds and
by steering new workers into 401k retirement plans. He wants to
cut Florida's budget all the way back to its 2004 baseline.

Mr. Scott is unquestionably an expert on health-care issues, but
he has come under intense attack for $1.6 billion in fraudulent
Medicare and Medicaid claims submitted in the mid-1990s by
Columbia Hospital Corporation, the name of Mr. Scott's firm at
the time. Mr. Scott persuaded voters that he wasn't personally
to blame, but those complaints will doubtless surface again as
he tries to uproot the current health-care financing structure in
the state.

Mr. Scott believes that the growing financial squeeze from
programs such as Medicaid means that"there's going to be a
lot of pressure from the new governors to get Congress to
block-grant the [Medicaid] money back to us."
The theory is
that the states can more efficiently administer the program.

His cost-containment strategy involves creating a health-care
voucher for eligible Medicaid recipients so that they can shop
around for health care and explore money-saving options like
high-deductible health savings accounts. "If poor people are
spending their own money, it is amazing how fast they will
figure out how to keep a lid on medical bills,"
he says,
based on his own experience in the private sector.

Critics say this will inhibit preventive care, but Mr. Scott scoffs
at the claim. "If the money is yours, don't you think you will
change to a healthier lifestyle?"

Like so many of the new GOP governors, Mr. Scott thinks that
states' financial problems can be solved by applying sound
business principles. A business model applied to government can
certainly reduce inefficiency and improve accountability. But
those trying to implement the model may crash into a wall of
opposition from the permanent bureaucracy and government unions.
Mr. Scott sounds more than a little naive when I ask about how hard
he thinks it will be to impose alien money-saving concepts on the
fifth-largest state government in America.

For those who doubt the wisdom of his strategy to downsize
government, he carries around a chart which shows, fairly persuasively,
that over the past 30 years Florida has prospered when government
spending was low and floundered when it was high. If he's right about this
—and if he can deliver on the changes he wants—then those 700,000 new
jobs may be on their way. And don't be surprised if this plan turns Florida's
real-estate bust into another boom.

(Mr. Moore is senior economics writer for the
Wall Street Journal editorial page.)