Saturday, June 26, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Dean A. Ayers
Lead Investigative Reporter

And it came to pass in the Age of Insanity that the people
of the land called America, having lost their morals,
their work initiative, and their will to defend their liberties,
chose as their Supreme Leader that person known as "The One".

He emerged from the vapors with a message that had no meaning;
but He hypnotized the people telling them, "I am sent to save you.
My lack of experience, my questionable ethics, my monstrous ego,
and my association with evil doers are of no consequence.
For I shall save you with Hope and Change. Go, therefore,
and proclaim throughout the land that he who preceded me is evil,
that he has defiled the nation, and that all he has built must be destroyed."

And the people rejoiced, for even though they knew not what ,"The One"
would do, he had promised that he would bring change, and they proclaimed
"Yes We Can".

And then He said, "Redistribution of wealth is good for everybody"
And the people said, "Show us the money!"

And Joe the plumber asked, "Are you kidding me?"
You're going to steal my money and give it to the deadbeats?

And "The One" ridiculed and taunted him, and Joe's personal records
were hacked, publicized, and ridiculed; though no crime could be found.

One lone reporter asked, "That shouldn't be, isn't that Marxist policy?"
And she was banished from the kingdom!

Then a citizen asked, "With no foreign relations experience and having
zero military experience or knowledge, how will you deal with radical terrorists?"

And "The One" said,
"Simple. I shall sit with them and talk kindly to them and show them how
nice we really are; and they will forget that they ever wanted to kill us all!"

And the people said, "Hallelujah!! We are safe at last, and we can beat
our weapons into free cars for the people!"

Then "The One" said, "I shall give 95% of you lower taxes."
And one, lone voice said, "But 40% of us don't pay ANY taxes."
So "The One" said,
"Then I shall give you some of the taxes the fat-cats pay!"
And the people said, "Hallelujah!! Show us the money!"

Then "The One" said,
"I shall tax your Capital Gains when you sell your homes!"
And the people yawned and the already slumping housing market fully collapsed.

And He said,
"I shall mandate employer-funded health care for EVERY worker and
raise the minimum wage, and lower the white collar wage. And I shall
also give every person unlimited healthcare and medicine and even
transportation to the free clinics."

And the people said, "Give me some of that!"

Then he said, "I shall penalize employers who ship jobs overseas."

And the people said, "Where's my rebate check?"

Then "The One" said,
"I shall bankrupt the coal industry, and perhaps even the oil industry
(Cap & Trade/Carbon Tax) and though electricity rates will skyrocket,
we shall soon build wind farms and solar power stations and drive green
cars that I shall mandate in Detroit!"

And the people said,
"Coal is dirty, coal is evil, no more coal!
But we don't care for that part about higher electric rates."

So "The One" said,
"Not to worry. If your rebate ($10/week) isn't enough to cover your
extra expenses ($3,000/year), we shall bail you out. Just sign up with
ACORN and your troubles are over! Only the fat cats will have to pay."

Then He said,
"Illegal immigrants feel scorned and slighted. Let's grant them amnesty,
Social Security, free education, free lunches, free medical care, bi-lingual
signs and guaranteed housing..."

And the people said, "Hallelujah!!" And they made him King!

And so it came to pass that employers, facing spiraling costs and ever-
higher taxes, raised their prices and laid off workers; though they sold
much less of their products.

Others simply gave up and went out of business, and the economy sank
like unto a rock dropped from a cliff. The banking industry was destroyed.
Manufacturing slowed to a crawl. And more of the people were without a
means of support.

So "The One" again blamed the prior administration, extended unemployment
benefits to a year, bailed out his favorite banks, and then took over the
banks and auto industries.

"The One" said,
"I am the "The One" - The Messiah - and I'm here to save you!
We shall just print more money so the government will have enough!
Surely one trillion dollars will make everyone happy."

And immediately the Fed complied and the money presses roared.

And China reconsidered their one trillion dollars of loans to the US,
and threatened to call in their debts.

Other foreign trading partners said unto "The One",
"Wait a minute... Your dollar is not worth a pile of camel dung!
You will have to pay more for everything as your dollar becomes worth less."

And the people said, "Wait a minute that is unfair!"

And the world said,
"Neither are these other idiotic programs you have embraced.
Lo, you have become a Socialist state and a second-rate power.
What factories are not owned by your government is owned by us.
Now you shall play by our rules!"

And "The One" said
"Americans are arrogant, divisive, and derisive! We will listen."

And the people cried out, "Alas, alas!! What have we done?"

But yea verily, it shortly will be too late.

The people eventually will set upon "The One" and spat on him

and threaten to stone him, and his name will be known as "camel dung".

But the once mighty nation will be no more; and the once proud people

were without sustenance or shelter or hope or freedom to speak and

lawfully act to save this land.

And the Change that "The One" had given them was as like unto a poison
that had destroyed them from within, and like a whirlwind that consumed
all that they had built.

And the people will soon beat their chests in despair and cry out in anguish,
"Give us back our nation, our pride, and our hope with freedom
and liberty of choice!"

But is it too late for America, to be the Land of the Free?



The once-glorious "Home of the Brave and Land of the Free" will be no more,
if We the People, who are “INDEPENDENTS” stop our "brave actions" by
stopping to have teas parties, and stop caring or being concerned for our
United States Constitution, stop talking about the national take over of religion
by Islam, and writing, documenting, and continually speaking the “real truth”
about “The One.”

Only thru "independent" media channels, and stopping to think that
We the People can actually, in point and fact, still make a difference
can this insane national society be saved from "The One".
One by One, by one each of us “can” still make a difference in America
to save her torch of freedom, called liberty. But time to have a "positive
and constructive" lawful effect is growing short, very quickly.

If you believe that you cannot make a "positive and constructive"
difference to the defense of your own family, and property ownership freedom,
from tyranny from "The One," his people, and his Socialist and Marxist
ACORN organizations, then you won't make any difference to save your
own liberty and freedom!

I say, “Never under-estimate the power of ONE.” “That's YOU!”



Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Obama-care Has Begun


The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the
laws of the United States of America, including section 4001 of the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148),
it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Establishment.

There is established within the Department of Health and Human Services,

the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council (Council).


Sec. 2. Membership.

(a) The Surgeon General shall serve as the Chair of the Council,

which shall be composed of:

(1) the Secretary of Agriculture;
(2) the Secretary of Labor;
(3) the Secretary of Health and Human Services;
(4) the Secretary of Transportation;
(5) the Secretary of Education;
(6) the Secretary of Homeland Security;
(7) the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency;
(8) the Chair of the Federal Trade Commission;
(9) the Director of National Drug Control Policy;
(10) the Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy Council;
(11) the Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs;
(12) the Chairman of the Corporation for National and Community Service; and
(13) the head of any other executive department or agency that the Chair may,

from time to time, determine is appropriate.

(b) The Council shall meet at the call of the Chair.


Sec. 3. Purposes and Duties. The Council shall:

(a) provide coordination and leadership at the Federal level, and among all

executive departments and agencies, with respect to prevention, wellness,

and health promotion practices, the public health system, and integrative

health care in the United States;

(b) develop, after obtaining input from relevant stakeholders, a national prevention,

health promotion, public health, and integrative health-care strategy that incorporates

the most effective and achievable means of improving the health status of Americans

and reducing the incidence of preventable illness and disability in the United States,

as further described in section 5 of this order;

(c) provide recommendations to the President and the Congress concerning the

most pressing health issues confronting the United States and changes in

Federal policy to achieve national wellness, health promotion, and public health goals,

including the reduction of tobacco use, sedentary behavior, and poor nutrition;

(d) consider and propose evidence-based models, policies, and innovative approaches

for the promotion of transformative models of prevention, integrative health, and public

health on individual and community levels across the United States;

(e) establish processes for continual public input, including input from State, regional,

and local leadership communities and other relevant stakeholders, including Indian tribes

and tribal organizations;

(f) submit the reports required by section 6 of this order; and

(g) carry out such other activities as are determined appropriate by the President.


Sec. 4. Advisory Group.

(a) There is established within the Department of Health and Human Services

an Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and

Public Health (Advisory Group), which shall report to the Chair of the Council.

(b) The Advisory Group shall be composed of not more than 25 members or

representatives from outside the Federal Government appointed by the President

and shall include a diverse group of licensed health professionals,

including integrative health practitioners who are representative of or

have expertise in:

(1) worksite health promotion;
(2) community services, including community health centers;
(3) preventive medicine;
(4) health coaching;
(5) public health education;
(6) geriatrics; and
(7) rehabilitation medicine.

(c) The Advisory Group shall develop policy and program recommendations

and advise the Council on lifestyle-based chronic disease prevention and

management, integrative health care practices, and health promotion.


Sec. 5. National Prevention and Health Promotion Strategy.

Not later than March 23, 2011, the Chair, in consultation with the Council,

shall develop and make public a national prevention, health promotion, and

public health strategy (national strategy),

and shall review and revise it periodically.


Sec. 5.5 The national strategy shall:

(a) set specific goals and objectives for improving the health of the

United States through federally supported prevention, health promotion,

and public health programs, consistent with ongoing goal setting efforts

conducted by specific agencies;

(b) establish specific and measurable actions and timelines to carry out

the strategy, and determine accountability for meeting those timelines,

within and across Federal departments and agencies; and

(c) make recommendations to improve Federal efforts relating to prevention,

health promotion, public health, and integrative health-care practices to ensure

that Federal efforts are consistent with available standards and evidence.


Sec. 6. Reports.

Not later than July 1, 2010, and annually thereafter until January 1, 2015,

the Council shall submit to the President and the relevant committees

of the Congress, a report that:

(a) describes the activities and efforts on prevention, health promotion,

and public health and activities to develop the national strategy conducted

by the Council during the period for which the report is prepared;

(b) describes the national progress in meeting specific prevention, health

promotion, and public health goals defined in the national strategy and

further describes corrective actions recommended by the Council and

actions taken by relevant agencies and organizations to meet these goals;

(c) contains a list of national priorities on health promotion and disease

prevention to address lifestyle behavior modification (including smoking

cessation, proper nutrition, appropriate exercise, mental health, behavioral

health, substance-use disorder, and domestic violence screenings) and

the prevention measures for the five leading disease killers in the United States;

(d) contains specific science-based initiatives to achieve the measurable

goals of the Healthy People 2020 program of the Department of Health and

Human Services regarding nutrition, exercise, and smoking cessation, and

targeting the five leading disease killers in the United States;

(e) contains specific plans for consolidating Federal health programs and

centers that exist to promote healthy behavior and reduce disease risk

(including eliminating programs and offices determined to be ineffective in

meeting the priority goals of the Healthy People 2020 program of the

Department of Health and Human Services);

(f) contains specific plans to ensure that all Federal health-care programs

are fully coordinated with science-based prevention recommendations by

the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and

(g) contains specific plans to ensure that all prevention programs outside

the Department of Health and Human Services are based on the science-based

guidelines developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under

subsection (d) of this section.


Sec. 7. Administration.

(a) The Department of Health and Human Services shall provide funding and

administrative support for the Council and the Advisory Group to the extent

permitted by law and within existing appropriations.

(b) All executive departments and agencies shall provide information and

assistance to the Council as the Chair may request for purposes of carrying

out the Council's functions, to the extent permitted by law.

(c) Members of the Advisory Group shall serve without compensation, but

shall be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence,

as authorized by law for persons serving intermittently in Government service

(5 U.S.C. 5701-5707), consistent with the availability of funds.


Sec. 8. General Provisions.

(a) Insofar as the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (5 U.S.C App.)

may apply to the Advisory Group, any functions of the President under that Act,

except that of reporting to the Congress, shall be performed by the Secretary of

Health and Human Services in accordance with the guidelines that have been

issued by the Administrator of General Services.

(b) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(1) authority granted by law to an executive department, agency,

or the head thereof; or
(2) functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating

to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit,

substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against

the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees,

or agents, or any other person.



June 10, 2010



Thursday, June 10, 2010

Obama Admin Offers Illegal Aliens Movie Nights, Bingo, Arts and Crafts, Dance


Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials are preparing
to roll out a series of changes at several privately owned immigration
detention centers, including relaxing some security measures for
low-risk detainees and offering art classes, bingo and continental
breakfast on the weekends.

The changes, detailed in an internal ICE e-mail obtained by the
Houston Chronicle, were welcomed by immigrant advocates who
have been waiting for the Obama administration to deliver on a
promise made in August to overhaul the nation's immigration
detention system.

The 28 changes identified in the e-mail range from the superficial
to the substantive. In addition to “softening the look of the facility”
with hanging plants and offering fresh carrot sticks, ICE will allow
for the “free movement” of low-risk detainees, expand visiting hours
and provide unmonitored phone lines.

ICE officials said the changes are part of broader efforts to make
the immigration detention system less penal and more humane...

But the plans are prompting protests by ICE's union leaders,
who say they will jeopardize the safety of agents, guards and
detainees and increase the bottom line for taxpayers.
Tre Rebstock, president for Local 3332, the ICE union in Houston,
likened the changes to creating “an all-inclusive resort” for
immigration detainees.

“Our biggest concern is that someone is going to get hurt,” he said,
taking particular issue with plans to relax restrictions on the movement
of low-risk detainees and efforts to reduce and eliminate pat-down searches.

The changes outlined in the ICE e-mail are planned for nine detention centers
owned and operated by Corrections Corporation of America, including the
900-bed Houston Contract Detention Facility on the city's north side.

Some of the changes will be implemented within 30 days;
others may take up to six months, said Beth Gibson, ICE's senior counselor
to Assistant Secretary John Morton and a leader of the detention reform effort.

Other major changes include:

• Eliminating lockdowns and lights-out for low-risk detainees.

• Allowing visitors to stay as long as they like in a 12-hour period.

• Providing a unit manger so detainees have someone to report problems to other than the guard.

• Allowing low-risk detainees to wear their own clothing or other non-penal attire.

• Providing e-mail access and Internet-based free phone service.

Not about punishment

Gibson said the improvements are part of ICE's efforts to detain
immigrants in the least restrictive manner possible while ensuring
they leave the country if ordered to do so.

“When people come to our custody, we're detaining them to effect
their removal,”
Gibson said. “It's about deportation. It's not about
punishing people for a crime they committed.”

ICE officials have faced pressure from immigrant advocates and
some members of Congress to improve the detention conditions
for the roughly 400,000 immigrants it houses annually.
The agency has relied on a hodgepodge of more than 250
government-run detention centers, private prisons and local jails
to accommodate its growing population — with roughly one in four
detainees held in Texas.

At the CCA facilities that have agreed to ICE's changes, detainees
will see more variety in their dining hall menus and have self-serve
beverage and fresh vegetable bars.

CCA also plans to offer movie nights, bingo, arts and crafts, dance
and cooking classes, tutoring and computer training,
the e-mail states.

Detainees also will be allowed four hours or more of recreation
“in a natural setting, allowing for robust aerobic exercise.”

CCA also committed to improving the look of the facilities,
such as requiring plants, fresh paint and new bedding in
lower-risk units.

Advocates pleased

Some of the improvements offered at the CCA facilities counted
as hard-fought victories for immigrant advocates, including plans
to improve visitor and attorney access.

“A lot of these measures are what we've been advocating for,”
said Lory Rosenberg, policy and advocacy director for Refugee
and Migrants' Rights for Amnesty International.

“Many of these points are very important to changing the system
from a penal system, which is inappropriate in an immigration context,
to a civil detention system.”

Union members said they have concerns about the plans,
primarily focusing on safety.

Rebstocksaid some detainees may be classified as low-risk because
they have no serious criminal history but still may be gang members
that “haven't been caught doing anything wrong yet.”

He also said eliminating lockdowns will make it more difficult to protect
detainees from one another.

He said reducing or eliminating pat-down searches could allow contraband
into the facilities, including weapons.

Gibson, with ICE, said the agency is developing a sophisticated classification
system and will make sure “that our detainees are still safe and sound.”

“As a general matter, it will be the non-criminals who don't present a
danger to anyone else who are benefitting from the lowest level of custody,”
Gibson said.
‘On the taxpayers' dime'

Rebstock also questioned the cost to taxpayers for the changes.

“My grandparents would have loved to have bingo night and a dance
class at the retirement home they were in when they passed away,
but that was something we would have had to pay for,” he said.
“And yet these guys are getting it on the taxpayers' dime.”

Gibson said CCA is making the improvements at no additional cost to ICE.
The agency's contract with CCA for the Houston detention center requires
that ICE pay $99 per bed daily for each detainee, slightly lower than the
$102 average daily rate ICE pays nationally .

Rosenberg said some of the changes, like new flower baskets,
may seem small, but they will combine with the bigger changes
to make a difference in the daily lives of detainees.

“Taken together they will go some way to making this system less penal,”
she said.

Numerous Intriguing Polls Flying Around.

Numerous Intriguing Polls Flying Around.

Andrew Malcolm
L.A. Times

Judging by President Obama's remarks and media coverage,

the No. 1 topic on Americans' minds nowadays is the awful

oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Not!


Gallup finds terrorism remains the top concern.

But it has now been joined by -- Hello, big Democratic spenders

Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid -- the exploding enormity of the

federal deficits. And here's the midterm election year political

problem for both of these Democrats: Republicans are viewed

as better at handling both of those concerns.


ABC News finds voter frustration at the boiling point.

The number of Americans approving of ...

... their local House member has dropped below 50%

for the first time since Bill Clinton's first midterm elections in 1994.

Anybody remember which party named Republican seized control

of both houses of Congress that year for the first time in four decades? 

Voter approval of Congress is now at 26%, down 18 points since the

same Democrats took majority control of both houses in 2007.


As a Public Opinion Strategies memo notes here, Americans' perception

of the economy has actually weakened in the last two months.

And predictably they are turning to the federal government's top talker for

the blame; 44% of the country approves of Obama's handling of the economy

while 53% disapprove.

The even better news for Republicans is that the GOP has increased its

lead on the so-called generic congressional ballot this month.

That is, which party's candidate are you most likely to vote for on Nov. 2?

Republicans now lead Democrats by nine points, 44-35,

Rasmussen Reports reports.


The Harris Poll has an interesting new survey out on how 2,503 Americans

rate 16 elements of life in their country. Large majorities give positive ratings

to America's science and technology (75%), its Constitution (70%),

quality of life

(66%) and even its overpriced colleges and universities (65%).

The more education you have, the higher you rate these categories.

However, the healthcare system (33%), public schools (32%) and the

economic system (28%) don't get rated very well.

Incumbent Alert: You'll never guess which sector gets the worst rating

from Americans: Political (23%).


Some interesting wrinkles within, though. There's not much difference

among Republicans, Democrats and independents on many segments.

However, America's civil rights get better ratings from Republicans (70%)

than Democrats (53%); equality of opportunity (65% GOP, 47% Democrat)

and the environment (61% GOP, 37% Democrat). Only 19% of Republicans,

however, rate the system of government highly, while 33% of Democrats do.


The good polling news for Obama is that after 17 months of hope and change,

less than half of all Americans (47%) approve of his overall job performance in

the White House.


The bad news for Obama is, despite his nationally televised professed readiness

to consult experts on whose "ass" to kick over the slick mess, way less (40%)

approve of his handling of the nation's worst environmental disaster ever,

Gallup finds.


One other piece of good news for the ex-state senator.

It is true that a significant majority of Americans disagree with him and approve

of Arizona's tough new illegal immigrant legislation and wish their state would

do the same and blame Obama's federal government for porous border security

with Mexico. All that's true.


However, the good news for the Democrat is that if the 2012 presidential election

was held today, Obama could defeat Arizona's Republican Gov. Jan Brewer.

No one's never talked about her running. And he wouldn't beat her by much (44%-39%).

But Obama would still win. So that's gotta make him feel good these days.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Companies and Organizations Supporting La Raza

La Raza Has Called For All Of It's Partners and Associates

To Join In The Boycott Of Arizona.

Below is a list of La Raza's major partnerships:

The National Council of La Raza invites our
member corporations large and small and Hispanic
entrepreneurs to join in its mission to empower
current and future generations of Hispanic Americans.
We encourage individual Hispanic entrepreneurs to
become an NCLR partner as well. Partners like you
have firsthand knowledge of the hard work and dedication
it takes to achieve the American Dream. We would deeply
appreciate your involvement in our institution and welcome
your membership participation.

The Companies and Organizations Supporting La Raza

Allstate Insurance Company
American Airlines
American Express Company
Bank of America
Bridgestone Firestone
Trust Fund
Cardinal Health
Caterpillar Foundation
Catholic Healthcare
West Chevron Corporation
The Coca-Cola Company
Comcast Corporation
ConAgra Foods, Inc.
Coors Brewing Company
Cox Communications
Corporation Fund
Darden Restaurants Foundation
Eastman Kodak Company
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Fannie Mae
Ford Motor Company
General Mills, Inc.
General Motors Corporation
Hallmark Cards, Inc.
Harrah’s Entertainment
Hess Foundation, Inc.
J.C. Penney Company, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson
Kraft Foods, Inc.
The Kroger Co.
McDonald’s Corporation
The McGraw-Hill Companies
Mercedes Benz
MetLife Foundation
MGM Mirage
The Microsoft Corporation
Miller Brewing Company
Morgan Stanley
Northrop Grumman Corporation
PepsiCo, Inc.
Prudential Financial
Qwest Communications
Rockwell Automation
Schneider National
Sears, Roebuck and Co.
State Farm Insurance Companies
Time Warner Inc.
United Parcel Service (UPS)
Verizon Communications
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Waste Management, Inc.
Wells Fargo
Wilmer Cutler Pickering, LLP
Xerox Corporation

Institutional Corporate Partners

The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) recognizes
those corporations that have invested in NCLR’s long-
term strategic efforts with multiyear, multimillion-dollar
commitments, including NCLR’s 'Empowering An American
Community Campaign.'

The Allstate Corporation
Bank of America
The Coca-Cola Company
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
Ford Motor Company
General Motors Corporation
MBNA Corporation
PepsiCo Foundation
The PMI Group, Inc.
State Farm Insurance Companies
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

Corporate Programmatic Supporters

NCLR depends on our corporate partners for a variety
of programmatic support in areas such as Education,
Community Development, Health, Youth Leadership
Development, Civil Rights and Advocacy, Workforce
Development, and Affiliate Member Services.

Chevron Corporation
Lockheed Martin
Lucent Technologies Foundation
Marathon Oil Corporation
Rockwell Automation
State Farm Insurance Companies
Toyota Motor Corporation
Verizon Communications, Inc.

Housing and Wealth Building
The Allstate Corporation
Chase Home Finance
Countrywide Home Loans, Inc.
E*TRADE Financial
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation
Wells Fargo & Company
Washington Mutual, Inc.
Health Belrex Inc.
Eli Lilly and Company
Metropolitan Life
Novo Nordisk
Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide
Pfizer Global
PepsiCo Foundation

I don't think I have to mention WE need
to avoid doing business,
as best we can, with these companies
till this BOYCOTT is recalled/over.

Dennis Prager For President 2

Dennis Prager For President

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Story Behind E-Verify for Florida 2010





Floridians  for  Immigration  Enforcement

FLIMEN Note: Please take the time to read the complete story of

the effort to pass E-Verify in the 2010 Florida Legislative Session. 



Commendations to Representative Adam Hasner,

Representative Sandy Adams and Senator Nancy Detert

for exemplary performance in the pursuit of immigration

sanity via E-Verify Legislation in Florida. 

Condemnation to Senate President Jeff Atwater who aggressively

blocked all immigration enforcement legislation, notably a much

needed bill to verify the legal status of new hires who would receive

state funding.  Condemnation also for the slovenly behavior of

Senator Jeremy Ring, Atwater's Lieutenant who successfully stalled

all immigration enforcement legislation hearings.

Disappointingly from August, 2009 to March, 2010 FLIMEN sought Senate and

house sponsors for the proposed Florida Employment Protection Act but no Senator

or Representative would do so, wasting eight precious months that could have been

spent promoting E-Verify.  Importantly this proposed bill was well written by IRLI so

as to withstand judicial challenge.  The bill was simple and focused in that it contained

only E-Verify, an employment verification program to address the illegal alien job magnet

problem.  The bill contained both public and private E-Verify.  Public E-Verify requires 

contractors and subcontractors to state agencies to verify the legal status of new hires. 

Private E-Verify requires all licensees of the state (e.g. contractors) to verify the legal

status of all new hires.  Although 15 or more states have public and/or private E-Verify 

NOT ONE FLORIDA SENATOR OR REPRESENTATIVE would sponsor this excellent bill.

Many candidates have recently expressed vocal support for AZ SB1070.  This is better than opposition to AZ SB1070, but where were the AZ SB1070 supporters when sponsors for the Florida Employment Protection Act, which is mild compared to SB1070, were needed?  Where were these candidates when pressure was needed to influence Senate President Atwater?  Actions speak louder than words and louder than newspaper publicity. 

Several weeks into the 2010 Session and unable to find a sponsor, FLIMEN with

the legal expertise of IRLI analyzed two bills already sponsored and filed.  One bill, HB421/SB856 was poorly written with constitutional problems and was quickly dismissed for FLIMEN support.  Another bill HB219/SB1880 included some distracting features and

only public E-Verify but FLIMEN decided to support the bill about three weeks into the

12 week Session.

Thanks to lobbying efforts by FLIMEN Board Members Jack Oliver and John Parsons,

Florida House Majority Leader Adam Hasner became an ardent supporter of HB219

and with skillful pursuit by bill sponsor Sandy Adams HB219 unanimously passed in

the House 112-0.  Significantly ALL Republicans and ALL Democrats in the Florida

House voted for HB219.


These dedicated elected officials deserve a great deal of praise from all Floridians. 

If possible please personally thank them for their efforts.

Representative Adam Hasner
Majority Leader 2008-2010
33 NE 4th Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33483
Phone: (561) 279-1616                    
Adam Hasner gave his leadership and persistence to accomplish a 112-0 passage of the HB219 E-Verify bill during the 2010 Florida Legislative Session.
Representative Sandy Adams
2074 Winter Springs Boulevard
Oviedo, FLORIDA 32765-9347
Phone: (407) 977-4020   
Sandy Adams sponsored HB219 and gave her leadership and persistence to accomplish a 112-0 passage of the HB219 E-Verify bill during the 2010 Florida Legislative Session.
Senator Nancy Detert
Majority Leader Whip
417 Commercial Court
Suite D
Venice, FL 34292
Phone: (941) 480-3547
Nancy Detert sponsored SB1880 and gave her leadership and persistence but passage was thwarted by Senate President Jeff Atwater and Senator Jeremy Ring.

Honorable Mentions

Honorable Mention goes to Representative Janet Adkins and Senator Carey Baker for filing their bill HB421/SB856.
Honorable Mention goes to Representative Peter Nehr and Senator Rhonda Storms who assisted with bill drafting submissions.



Now for the bad news.  Senate President Jeff Atwater from the very start to the very end clearly, without any doubt, blocked any and all immigration enforcement bills during the 2010 Florida Legislative Session.

Here is the evidence:

1) Senate President Jeff Atwater refused to meet with FLIMEN.

2) Senate President Jeff Atwater assigned immigration enforcement

bills to a high number of committee stops:

A) Sure you can play, but you just can't win: (Click for St. Petersburg Times Article)

One reason the bill has such little hope of passage is that Senate President Jeff Atwater, who's running for chief financial officer, displays little enthusiasm in an election year for social wedge issues like immigration. He buried Baker's bill,

sending it to seven committees, a legislative death sentence.

B) Illegal immigration measure appears least likely to pass Legislature:

(Click for The Fine Print Blog)

A sweeping illegal immigration measure filed by Sen. Carey Baker,

R-Eustis, could have the dubious distinction of being the legislation

least likely to pass for the 2010 session. An analysis done on behalf

of the Florida Tribune by LobbyTools shows that Baker's legislation --

SB 856 -- has more committee references than any other bill filed so

far this year.

Baker's bill has been referred by Senate President Jeff Atwater to

seven separate committees. The measure, called the

"Florida Illegal Immigration Reform Act," has a number of provisions

including requiring lottery winners to be citizens or legal residents,

prohibiting cities and counties from adopting laws dealing with illegal

immigrants, requiring public employers to verify citizenship status,

and blocking illegal immigrants from attending public schools.

Baker on Tuesday joked that the bill was a "personal best" for him

and that he has never had any legislation get referred to seven

different committees. He acknowledged that there is no way for the

bill in its current form to get through the Legislature. "As it is written,

it would be impossible to pass,'' said Baker. "Our sessions don't last

long enough to go through seven committees of reference."

3) Senate President Jeff Atwater assigned the immigration enforcement bills to his most rabidly anti-enforcement zealot committee chair,

Senator Jeremy Ring as the first committee stop.

4) Despite a telephone, fax, and e-mail campaign by FLIMEN, FAIR and NumbersUSA, Senate President Jeff Atwater ignored citizens concerns over illegal immigration and the excessive costs to the state and he continued his ardent blockage.

5) Repeated attempts by Senator Detert and others to influence Senate President Jeff Atwater were rebuffed and Jeff Atwater continued his blockage.

Senator Jeff Atwater
824 US Highway 1, #210
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Phone: (561) 625-5101                  
Jeff Atwater, despite campaigning as a legislator concerned about illegal immigration, aggressively blocked immigration enforcement bills in the 2010 Florida Legislative Session, notably a simple, greatly needed E-Verify bill to focus on the illegal alien job magnet problem.
Senator Jeremy Ring
5790 Margate Blvd.
Margate, FL 33063
Phone: (954) 917-1392
Jeremy Ring, Atwater's Democratic, rabidly anti-enforcement Lieutenant, refused to schedule hearings on all immigration enforcement bills and presented himself as a slovenly legislator with his offensive unfounded statements.

What makes the blockage of the bills by Jeff Atwater especially offensive is that he has

campaigned as a pro-enforcement candidate. 

Please view Jeff Atwater's Campaign Questionnaire:

Atwater Survey 2007, Page 1

Atwater Survey 2007, Page 2:

"We can no longer wait for the federal government to act.

We must lead the nation on dealing with this issue."  

Jeff Atwater

Candidate Jeff Atwater promised to "lead the nation on dealing with this issue" but as Senate President Jeff Atwater aggressively blocked all immigration enforcement legislation, notably a simple and needed

E-Verify bill. 

How loud can you say HYPOCRITE?

Now back to Senator Jeremy Ring. At the Broward County Legislative Delegation Meeting on November 18, 2009, Tea Party activist Danita Kilcullen spoke on behalf of FLIMEN in favor of

E-Verify.  After Danita's three minute speech, Senator Ring exclaimed "I am genuinely offended." and then left the hearing.  You are welcome to view the text of Danita's speech:

Broward Legislative Delegation

Do you find it offensive? 


FLIMEN VP David Caulkett who resides in Senator Ring's district requested a meeting

on January 3, 2010 to clarify what parts the Senator found offensive. 

At this meeting Senator Ring was unable to elaborate that any part was offensive. 

He also promoted the need to import more foreign high-tech workers.  

In a totally unacceptable and slovenly manner Senator Ring said

"I am not one of those persons who want to line up illegal immigrants and shoot them."

meaning that FLIMEN wanted to do just that. 

FLIMEN VP Caulkett grabbed the text of Danita's speech, said "I am genuinely offended."

and stormed out of his district office. 

Aide Paul Moore and another staff person were witnesses. 

Within one hour Senator Ring personally called to apologize but an apology can never

compensate for such a hateful, unfounded statement.


The main reason for exposing the crude, slovenly, anti-enforcement zealot Ring is that

it cannot be a co-incidence that Senate President Jeff Atwater choose Senator Ring as

the lead chairperson to kill any and all immigration enforcement bills.

About six weeks into the Session Senator Ring had not scheduled a hearing for SB1880. 

When aide Joel Ramos was queried he give the excuse that "an intern had misplaced the bill"

but promised to schedule a hearing for the next week, Week 7.  When the bill was not

scheduled for Week 7 as promised, aide Joel Ramos gave the excuse that there was an

unknown "technical problem."


It is abundantly clear to FLIMEN and it should be abundantly clear to Floridians that despite campaigning on a platform against illegal immigration, Senate President Jeff Atwater

aggressively blocked a much needed bill to verify the legal status of workers. 

With Florida's unemployment at about 12% and with illegal immigration costs estimated

by FAIR at $3.8 million annually, Senators Atwater and Ring have allowed illegal immigration

to continue virtually unabated. 


Their political future lies ahead with voters who will accept or reject their callous behavior.


While E-Verify did not get enacted during the 2010 Session this attempt was the best

progress over the past 3-4 years.  The 112-0 vote in the Florida House was a milestone. 

With public support of AZ SB1070 between 50-90% and with many candidates expressing

support for an AZ SB1070 style bill for Florida, the 2011 Session looks promising for some legislation.  At a minimum FLIMEN will continue to pursue public and private E-Verify for

Florida during the 2011 Session.


After House Speaker Marco Rubio blocked six bills in 2008, FLIMEN Political Chair and chief strategist Jack Oliver astutely pointed out that it is the Legislature leadership who determine

which bills will pass and which ones won't. For the 2010 Session pressure will be put on 2011 House Speaker Cannon and 2011 Senate President Mike Haridopolos to make sure they too

don't block immigration enforcement legislation.


A big thanks to the many activists throughout Florida who made calls, wrote letters, attended hearings and otherwise promoted immigration enforcement legislation. 

Thanks to FAIR, IRLI and NumbersUSA for their support.

Thanks also to FLIMEN Political Chair Jack Oliver who worked tirelessly and who as usual

provided astute political strategy. 

Special recognition also goes to new FLIMEN Board Member John Parsons who worked with

Jack Oliver in our lobby efforts.

Special recognition goes to new FLIMEN Board member Janet Renner who with three hours

notice drove to Tallahassee to speak at a hearing. 

With such dedication we will surely eventually achieve immigration enforcement legislation.


Respectfully submitted to all Florida citizens concerned about illegal immigration,

David W. Caulkett, VP, FLIMEN


Do not reply to this message. To contact FLIMEN visit:

P.O. Box 667605
Pompano Beach, FL 33066

Friday, June 4, 2010

How Does This Woman Keep Her Job ?

And to think Helen's employer 'Hearst Media' is one
of 30 liberal media entities that recently filed a complaint
with the FCC requesting that the FCC monitor
Rush Limbaugh more closely for HATE SPEECH.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Flotilla Choir Presents---- We Con the World

Charlie Crist's Veto Ensures We'll Face Insurance Woes

Charlie Crist vetoed a bill that would have required
strip-mall insurance companies to have enough money
to pay claims.

Mike Thomas
to Orlando Sentinel

June 3, 2010

Charlie Crist has put the finishing touches on his four-year campaign
to destroy the property-insurance market in Florida.

And just in time for what is expected to be a wham-bam hurricane season.

Crist vetoed a bill that would have required all these strip-mall insurance
companies setting up shop in Florida to have enough money to pay claims.

They are so thinly bankrolled that they have been losing money and
going belly-up even without hurricanes.
We live in the riskiest state in the nation with the most under-capitalized
insurance market in the nation.

If the winds huff and puff and blow your house down,
your insurer may or may not be able to make good on your policy.

This could leave you scrambling for a bailout from a bankrupt state,
which itself will be scrambling for a bailout from a bankrupt federal
government that will be scrambling for a bailout from the Chinese.

Crist, a candidate for U.S. Senate, is gambling this will not happen
before the November election so people won't understand the
consequences of his actions before voting.

The punch line is that Crist's office worked with legislators on the bill.
His insurance commissioner endorsed it,
as did the state's insurance consumer advocate.

But then Charlie went rogue, dumped the Republican
Party and began using his veto pen as a campaign prop.

This veto means that insurance companies here will have to continue
operating at a loss. The big companies, such as State Farm,
will continue bailing out to reduce their risk.
The state-run Citizens Property Insurance and the small start-up
companies will absorb more of the market.

As previously mentioned, many of these small companies have scant reserves.
What they do is take in premiums,
then buy backup reinsurance from bigger companies to cover their hurricane losses.

They are little more than middlemen angling for a cut of the action.

The insurance bill Crist vetoed would have
required that they triple their reserves.

They also would have had more freedom to raise rates to cover inflation
and the fluctuating cost of reinsurance. As it now stands, some of these
companies have had to cancel their reinsurance because they couldn't
afford the payments.

This is the thin ice on which our insurance market stands.

The bill would have cut down on insurance fraud, restricting hurricane
claims to three years after the storm.
As it now stands, "public adjusters," who act much like some personal
injury attorneys, solicit homeowners to reopen damage claims up to
five years after a storm hits.

The state's insurance funds recently had to pay out about $715 million
in claims from the 2005 storms.
There was a last-minute rush to cash in.
We are paying for it.
Not only is our insurance market on the verge of collapse,
but it also is costing us hundreds of millions in fraud.

Leaking roof?
Blame it on a hurricane five years ago.

Crist vetoed the bill because rates could go up 10 percent a year,
and reducing rates is a hallmark of his populist reign.

Some newspaper editorial boards actually supported a veto.
They have spent years reducing the complex world of insurance
and reinsurance into a simplistic moral battle in which evil insurers
are out to gouge innocent homeowners.

Paying 50 cents on the dollar for insurance has become
the new entitlement here in Florida.
And when the big storm hits, don't worry.
The money will miraculously appear.

The only thing keeping Crist's insurance scam afloat
is the recent lack of hurricanes.
If they resume as expected this year, and we get seriously hit,
the market will crumble, and we will get hit with tens of billions
in tax increases to pay the tab.

Crist does not care.
He cares about getting elected to the U.S. Senate,
where, unfortunately, he would be right at home.

Mike Thomas can be reached at 407-420-5525

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Day Late--But Really Great--Patriot Rockie Lynne

Tribute To The Troops (Featuring Rockie Lynne)

"We Want To Thank You"

"Heroes Come From Small Towns"

"Boy In A Uniform"