John W. King,
Attorney at Law
Have you wondered why Barack Hussein Obama has insisted
that the U.S. Attorney General hold the trials for the 911 Murdering
Muslims Terrorists in Civilian Courts as Common Criminals instead of as
Terrorists who attacked the United States of America ?
Think about this:
If the Muslim Terrorists are tried in Military Tribunals, convicted,
and sentenced to DEATH by the Military Tribunal, BY LAW of the
United States , Barack Hussein Obama, as President of the United States ,
would be required to SIGN their Death Warrants before they could be
He would not be required to SIGN the Death Warrants if sentenced to
DEATH by a Civilian Court .
Think about
The Muslim Jihadist, Major Hassan who slaughtered his fellow soldiers
at Ft. Hood , Texas . Major Hassan did not want to go to Afghanistan
and be a part of anything that could lead to the deaths of fellow Muslims.
He stated that Muslims could not and should not KILL FELLOW MUSLIMS.
Is the motive for Barack Hussein Obama's decision to make sure
he doesn't have to sign the Death Warrants for the Muslim Terrorists?
Why would he,
as President of the United States , not want to sign the Death Warrants
for Muslim Terrorists who attacked the United States and MURDERED over
3,000 innocent United States Citizens on 911?
Could it be
that he is FORBIDDEN BY HIS RELIGION to have anything to do
with the execution of Muslims?
Hmmmmmm !!!! Think about that!!!
911, barack_obama, major_hassan, military_tribunals
John W. King,
Attorney at Law
Have you wondered why Barack Hussein Obama has insisted
that the U.S. Attorney General hold the trials for the 911 Murdering
Muslims Terrorists in Civilian Courts as Common Criminals instead of as
Terrorists who attacked the United States of America ?
Think about this:
If the Muslim Terrorists are tried in Military Tribunals, convicted,
and sentenced to DEATH by the Military Tribunal, BY LAW of the
United States , Barack Hussein Obama, as President of the United States ,
would be required to SIGN their Death Warrants before they could be
He would not be required to SIGN the Death Warrants if sentenced to
DEATH by a Civilian Court .
Think about
The Muslim Jihadist, Major Hassan who slaughtered his fellow soldiers
at Ft. Hood , Texas . Major Hassan did not want to go to Afghanistan
and be a part of anything that could lead to the deaths of fellow Muslims.
He stated that Muslims could not and should not KILL FELLOW MUSLIMS.
Is the motive for Barack Hussein Obama's decision to make sure
he doesn't have to sign the Death Warrants for the Muslim Terrorists?
Why would he,
as President of the United States , not want to sign the Death Warrants
for Muslim Terrorists who attacked the United States and MURDERED over
3,000 innocent United States Citizens on 911?
Could it be
that he is FORBIDDEN BY HIS RELIGION to have anything to do
with the execution of Muslims?
Hmmmmmm !!!! Think about that!!!
FREEDOM is not a Gift.
FREEDOM is a Process of Education,
Action,and at times Standing your ground.
I will try to keep you Informed
I may even Call you to Action
But only you know if Your
FREEDOM is worth the Fight!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
The Most Pathetic Thing You'll Ever See
President Barack Obama visits with sixth grade students at the Graham Road Elementary School January 19, 2010 in Falls Church, Virginia.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Obama Expands Federal Power Over the States with Executive Order
Contrary to his election campaign promises,
Obama has issued dozens of signing statements.
Obama has issued another executive order, this time establishing
a so-called “Council of Governors.”
The order, signed on January 11, further diminishes the sovereignty
of the states and builds on a framework for possible martial law.
The executive order was completely ignored by the corporate media.
“By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 1822 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-181), and in order to strengthen further the partnership between the Federal Government and State governments to protect our Nation and its people and property,” the order reads. The Council shall meet at the call of the Secretary of Defense or the Co-Chairs of the Council to exchange views, information, or advice with the Secretary of Defense; the Secretary of Homeland Security; the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism; the Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement; the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs;
the Commander, United States Northern Command; the Chief, National Guard Bureau; the Commandant of the Coast Guard; and other appropriate officials of the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, and appropriate officials of other executive departments or agencies as may be designated by the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of Homeland Security.
In other words, the Pentagon and Homeland Security will give
hand-picked governors their marching orders under the guise of “synchronization and integration of State and
Federal military activities in the United States,”
a direct violation of Posse Comitatus.
Government exists for the interests of the governed,
not for the governors.
The purpose of government is to enable the people
of a nation to live in relative safety and happiness.
Benjamin Franklin once wrote,
“In free governments the rulers are the servants and
the people are their superiors and sovereigns.”
The people hold the ultimate powers in a free society and
the people should exercise those powers directly or through representatives in a competent and practical manner.
As Americans, we don’t honor the government,
we honor our nation.
Our organization doesn’t want America to fail;
we want the bankrupt liberal and Statist ideologies to fail.
As members of the citizenry,
we resist liberalism,
we resist socialism,
we resist collectivism,
we resist any form of fascism and communism.
We resist the United Nations and their "New World Order" mentality.
We resist tyranny and oppressive government in any form.
Obama has issued dozens of signing statements.
Obama has issued another executive order, this time establishing
a so-called “Council of Governors.”
The order, signed on January 11, further diminishes the sovereignty
of the states and builds on a framework for possible martial law.
The executive order was completely ignored by the corporate media.
“By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 1822 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-181), and in order to strengthen further the partnership between the Federal Government and State governments to protect our Nation and its people and property,” the order reads. The Council shall meet at the call of the Secretary of Defense or the Co-Chairs of the Council to exchange views, information, or advice with the Secretary of Defense; the Secretary of Homeland Security; the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism; the Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement; the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs;
the Commander, United States Northern Command; the Chief, National Guard Bureau; the Commandant of the Coast Guard; and other appropriate officials of the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, and appropriate officials of other executive departments or agencies as may be designated by the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of Homeland Security.
In other words, the Pentagon and Homeland Security will give
hand-picked governors their marching orders under the guise of “synchronization and integration of State and
Federal military activities in the United States,”
a direct violation of Posse Comitatus.
Government exists for the interests of the governed,
not for the governors.
The purpose of government is to enable the people
of a nation to live in relative safety and happiness.
Benjamin Franklin once wrote,
“In free governments the rulers are the servants and
the people are their superiors and sovereigns.”
The people hold the ultimate powers in a free society and
the people should exercise those powers directly or through representatives in a competent and practical manner.
As Americans, we don’t honor the government,
we honor our nation.
Our organization doesn’t want America to fail;
we want the bankrupt liberal and Statist ideologies to fail.
As members of the citizenry,
we resist liberalism,
we resist socialism,
we resist collectivism,
we resist any form of fascism and communism.
We resist the United Nations and their "New World Order" mentality.
We resist tyranny and oppressive government in any form.
By Greg Evensen -
December 24, 2009
From the top of virtually every flag staff in our country flies the emblem of
The United States of America.
Our national flag is a moving symbol of what we believe the country has
stood for since our victory against the British.
It has flown as the rallying cry for men and women in combat.
It has been seen by some as the single sacred goal for refugees in hostile lands who were
literally crawling for the protection of its embassy or a U.S. Marine detachment protecting the
soil on which it flies. And for still others, it has flown border to border and coast to coast as
our “guardian angel” spreading its majestic colors for the world to see and know that America
stood for something greater than self, a visual picture to all who see it from a distance, that the
might and glory of her history was truly something to cherish and die for if necessary.
I believe with all that is within me that we still have an unassailable claim to the unbendable
and unshakable rule of law found in the Articles of Confederation and to a lesser degree the
Constitution itself, for which “old glory” perpetually stands in silent honor.
Before that flag flew for the first time, the Declaration of Independence was written by imperfect,
flawed men who sought a Republic in which to chart their own and others—destinies.
We may argue vociferously about whether or not our founding generation was Christians, atheists,
deists, or cultists. It matters only in that we may VERY soon have the opportunity to do it right again—
or perhaps for the first time.
To our ultimate shame and utmost agony, we are now a mere shadow of that symbolized greatness.
We have become a pathetic caricature of the strong, independent and “righteous”
embodiment of liberty, freedom and justice for every citizen.
No longer are there patriotic and moving renditions of our national anthem.
Sousa marches are heard once or twice a year at service academy graduations or on
Memorial Day.
Veterans are shunned.
People complain about service honor guards use of “real guns” to volley for the deceased.
A flag draped casket is a symbol of foreign intrusion and reckless use of force by our military
and that may indeed be true.
What has driven us to such a deep trench of despair and an ongoing sense of detachment
from who we are, why we knew our duty and were not afraid to hold others accountable if they
strayed from the well worn path of common sense, honest lawmaking, courage and devotion
to freedom?
Patriots, real, honest to goodness uncompromising stalwarts of a national treasure held in
the hearts of men and women, are now faced with the most vicious pack of rabid beasts to ever
walk within the district limits of Washington, D.C. This putrid pack of evil human beings deserve
hell fire so hot as to burn the guts out of our own sun. What they have done to this nation’s hopes
and aspirations for generations yet unborn (if the child survives the womb) is a war crime against
humanity if there ever was one defined.
They have legislated for the corrupt.
They have labored to provide safe haven for criminals and perverts.
They have stolen from the people and created an island of slavery so vast and
inescapable that even suicide seems sweet to those entombed in its grip.
We have been constant witnesses to the mutated process that is called government
in Washington and in many of our states as well. Layer upon layer of bureaucrats have
taught each other the ropes in a game of how much can we do to the citizens before they
roll over in their fast food haze of stupidity and pass some gas.
Real pretty picture isn’t it?
And up on that flag staff? Fifty stars have fallen onto the dirt and the red and white stripes
have entwined themselves into a sickly anemic pink more to the liking of the sodomizers among
us than men and women who still believe that the “stars and stripes” have promise and mean
something more virtuous than a sold out America battered by lecherous politicians writing
demonic law and calling it “change we can live with.”
It is far too late in the game to cover the reasons why we are where we are.
If you don’t know, then find out. If you don’t care, then get out of my way.
As Sam Adams said, “……let posterity know that you were never my countryman.”
Be gone, be silent and hide. You will not fair well in what is coming.
Abortionists deserve what they give out to the innocent.
Sodomizers need radical surgery where it counts.
Politicians deserve a bunk in a FEMA camp.
Bankers need 20 years of living in a dumpster.
Corrupt business leaders require 12 hours a day in the heat of the south
picking strawberries while the former mistreated workers relax in the Virgin Islands.
To some, what I have described is NBC’s version of a “right wing fanatic and his rantings
that are a danger to this socialized bastard democracy.”
To millions of freshly educated, formerly dead on their ass liberals and entitlement vampires,
truth just went up a notch or two.
Now, let me be very clear.
Americans have been brutalized by tyrannical government long enough.
Soviet style law making must be ended by any means necessary.
The politicians responsible for our economic, military and banking catastrophes
must be arrested, tried and sentenced for their crimes—
without exception and everywhere they have ruled.
Nazi style security, surveillance, cameras and satellite GPS census systems must
be located and destroyed.
Lawless judges, police officials, and rogue military personnel must themselves be
brought to justice for the violations of their oath of office and the corruption left in their wake.
I cannot emphasize enough that this all needs to be done in a quick, peaceful
and dignified manner and done so immediately.
Forget the damned feel good “tea party” speeches that these scurrilous bastards
laugh at and do something real.
You, who complain that writers like me outline problems and offer no solutions
and you want action paths, then convene Grand Juries in every county of America,
Failing that, recall elections should be run against every targeted elected official that holds office.
Finally failing the previously peaceful two options, hundreds of thousands of people must leave
the comfort of their homes and mass around every state capital building in the 50 states.
Hundreds of thousands of others must do the same around the capital in Washington, D.C.
Voices from these crowds must drown out all other sounds and it must continue for many minutes.
Utter silence must then replace the noise with one well spoken citizen in each location
rising to read a brief demand.
It must be the same in all the states and in D.C.
It should read something like this:
“On behalf of the citizens of this republic representing the Constitution of this nation
and of the individual states, we hereby claim our right of SUPERIORITY and final AUTHORITY
over this place and those who are inside. We have fired you from your office by common consent
and demand that you leave this city immediately never to return. You have one hour to vacate.”
Then all who have come to make the final plea must leave the area.
When the expected failure to comply has been duly noted, the military should be notified to arrest,
detain and try each former legislator.
At this point you are processing my suggestions and have come to the inescapable conclusion
that this is pointless and cannot succeed.
First of all do not be so sure that any one of these suggestions may not be possible.
What follows this potential plan of action is all that would be left and that is open,
outright, and undeterred rebellion against the wickedness in high places.
To continue “business as usual” with the corrupt government entities would be unthinkable
and you would be part of the corruption.
Working “within” the system would be siding with the enemy
and your lot would have been cast with the devil himself.
Make no mistake. Whether it is the smallest most corrupt nation in Africa, Asia,
South America, or the United States of America, rebellion is the choice of last resort.
Outcomes are tenuous and the path to victory is a tragic admission that government tyranny
ALWAYS results in civilian misery.
Fighting for one’s country then carries a new and deeper meaning.
We are just moments and one horrible piece of corrupted law from facing that choice.
The people who will determine this nation’s fate are neither in uniform nor in plush
power soaked suites on Capital Hill. They are you and live in your communities.
You will choose the means by which this nation lives out its historic future,
or you will preside over its ultimate death.
That choice is in your hands and is quickly going to be pushed into your gut.
If your gut is soft, you will collapse with your breath taken away and the fight will be over.
You WILL be taken away in shame and agony.
However, if your strength of conviction is equal to the task,
then you will be able to speak softly these words,
while preparing to do battle against these usurpers of freedom
with fellow heroes yet to be named.
“ O thus be it ever, when free men shall stand, between their loved
homes and the war’s desolation. Blest with vict’ry and peace, may
the Heaven rescued land, praise the power that hath made, and
preserved us a nation………
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, and this be our
Motto, “In God is Our Trust.” May the Star Spangled Banner, in
triumph forever wave. O’er the land of the FREE and the home of
Our flag may once again fly proudly over us, having witnessed courageous people
doing great things in desperate times. For the indicted traitors among us, it is a time
to count the cost of your betrayal. For many the ultimate choice for crimes so great will
be dishonor and prison or the wall.
For the patriotic heroes of the American Revolution of 2010,
whatever form our struggle will ultimately take,
our posterity will be able say,
“Thank God Almighty, the Patriots of 21st Century America were Forever our Countrymen.” …………
Steady boys, steady as she goes………….
"Clean 'em, load 'em, stack 'em, and prepare to use 'em!"
(**Final verse of the Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key. )
December 24, 2009
From the top of virtually every flag staff in our country flies the emblem of
The United States of America.
Our national flag is a moving symbol of what we believe the country has
stood for since our victory against the British.
It has flown as the rallying cry for men and women in combat.
It has been seen by some as the single sacred goal for refugees in hostile lands who were
literally crawling for the protection of its embassy or a U.S. Marine detachment protecting the
soil on which it flies. And for still others, it has flown border to border and coast to coast as
our “guardian angel” spreading its majestic colors for the world to see and know that America
stood for something greater than self, a visual picture to all who see it from a distance, that the
might and glory of her history was truly something to cherish and die for if necessary.
I believe with all that is within me that we still have an unassailable claim to the unbendable
and unshakable rule of law found in the Articles of Confederation and to a lesser degree the
Constitution itself, for which “old glory” perpetually stands in silent honor.
Before that flag flew for the first time, the Declaration of Independence was written by imperfect,
flawed men who sought a Republic in which to chart their own and others—destinies.
We may argue vociferously about whether or not our founding generation was Christians, atheists,
deists, or cultists. It matters only in that we may VERY soon have the opportunity to do it right again—
or perhaps for the first time.
To our ultimate shame and utmost agony, we are now a mere shadow of that symbolized greatness.
We have become a pathetic caricature of the strong, independent and “righteous”
embodiment of liberty, freedom and justice for every citizen.
No longer are there patriotic and moving renditions of our national anthem.
Sousa marches are heard once or twice a year at service academy graduations or on
Memorial Day.
Veterans are shunned.
People complain about service honor guards use of “real guns” to volley for the deceased.
A flag draped casket is a symbol of foreign intrusion and reckless use of force by our military
and that may indeed be true.
What has driven us to such a deep trench of despair and an ongoing sense of detachment
from who we are, why we knew our duty and were not afraid to hold others accountable if they
strayed from the well worn path of common sense, honest lawmaking, courage and devotion
to freedom?
Patriots, real, honest to goodness uncompromising stalwarts of a national treasure held in
the hearts of men and women, are now faced with the most vicious pack of rabid beasts to ever
walk within the district limits of Washington, D.C. This putrid pack of evil human beings deserve
hell fire so hot as to burn the guts out of our own sun. What they have done to this nation’s hopes
and aspirations for generations yet unborn (if the child survives the womb) is a war crime against
humanity if there ever was one defined.
They have legislated for the corrupt.
They have labored to provide safe haven for criminals and perverts.
They have stolen from the people and created an island of slavery so vast and
inescapable that even suicide seems sweet to those entombed in its grip.
We have been constant witnesses to the mutated process that is called government
in Washington and in many of our states as well. Layer upon layer of bureaucrats have
taught each other the ropes in a game of how much can we do to the citizens before they
roll over in their fast food haze of stupidity and pass some gas.
Real pretty picture isn’t it?
And up on that flag staff? Fifty stars have fallen onto the dirt and the red and white stripes
have entwined themselves into a sickly anemic pink more to the liking of the sodomizers among
us than men and women who still believe that the “stars and stripes” have promise and mean
something more virtuous than a sold out America battered by lecherous politicians writing
demonic law and calling it “change we can live with.”
It is far too late in the game to cover the reasons why we are where we are.
If you don’t know, then find out. If you don’t care, then get out of my way.
As Sam Adams said, “……let posterity know that you were never my countryman.”
Be gone, be silent and hide. You will not fair well in what is coming.
Abortionists deserve what they give out to the innocent.
Sodomizers need radical surgery where it counts.
Politicians deserve a bunk in a FEMA camp.
Bankers need 20 years of living in a dumpster.
Corrupt business leaders require 12 hours a day in the heat of the south
picking strawberries while the former mistreated workers relax in the Virgin Islands.
To some, what I have described is NBC’s version of a “right wing fanatic and his rantings
that are a danger to this socialized bastard democracy.”
To millions of freshly educated, formerly dead on their ass liberals and entitlement vampires,
truth just went up a notch or two.
Now, let me be very clear.
Americans have been brutalized by tyrannical government long enough.
Soviet style law making must be ended by any means necessary.
The politicians responsible for our economic, military and banking catastrophes
must be arrested, tried and sentenced for their crimes—
without exception and everywhere they have ruled.
Nazi style security, surveillance, cameras and satellite GPS census systems must
be located and destroyed.
Lawless judges, police officials, and rogue military personnel must themselves be
brought to justice for the violations of their oath of office and the corruption left in their wake.
I cannot emphasize enough that this all needs to be done in a quick, peaceful
and dignified manner and done so immediately.
Forget the damned feel good “tea party” speeches that these scurrilous bastards
laugh at and do something real.
You, who complain that writers like me outline problems and offer no solutions
and you want action paths, then convene Grand Juries in every county of America,
Failing that, recall elections should be run against every targeted elected official that holds office.
Finally failing the previously peaceful two options, hundreds of thousands of people must leave
the comfort of their homes and mass around every state capital building in the 50 states.
Hundreds of thousands of others must do the same around the capital in Washington, D.C.
Voices from these crowds must drown out all other sounds and it must continue for many minutes.
Utter silence must then replace the noise with one well spoken citizen in each location
rising to read a brief demand.
It must be the same in all the states and in D.C.
It should read something like this:
“On behalf of the citizens of this republic representing the Constitution of this nation
and of the individual states, we hereby claim our right of SUPERIORITY and final AUTHORITY
over this place and those who are inside. We have fired you from your office by common consent
and demand that you leave this city immediately never to return. You have one hour to vacate.”
Then all who have come to make the final plea must leave the area.
When the expected failure to comply has been duly noted, the military should be notified to arrest,
detain and try each former legislator.
At this point you are processing my suggestions and have come to the inescapable conclusion
that this is pointless and cannot succeed.
First of all do not be so sure that any one of these suggestions may not be possible.
What follows this potential plan of action is all that would be left and that is open,
outright, and undeterred rebellion against the wickedness in high places.
To continue “business as usual” with the corrupt government entities would be unthinkable
and you would be part of the corruption.
Working “within” the system would be siding with the enemy
and your lot would have been cast with the devil himself.
Make no mistake. Whether it is the smallest most corrupt nation in Africa, Asia,
South America, or the United States of America, rebellion is the choice of last resort.
Outcomes are tenuous and the path to victory is a tragic admission that government tyranny
ALWAYS results in civilian misery.
Fighting for one’s country then carries a new and deeper meaning.
We are just moments and one horrible piece of corrupted law from facing that choice.
The people who will determine this nation’s fate are neither in uniform nor in plush
power soaked suites on Capital Hill. They are you and live in your communities.
You will choose the means by which this nation lives out its historic future,
or you will preside over its ultimate death.
That choice is in your hands and is quickly going to be pushed into your gut.
If your gut is soft, you will collapse with your breath taken away and the fight will be over.
You WILL be taken away in shame and agony.
However, if your strength of conviction is equal to the task,
then you will be able to speak softly these words,
while preparing to do battle against these usurpers of freedom
with fellow heroes yet to be named.
“ O thus be it ever, when free men shall stand, between their loved
homes and the war’s desolation. Blest with vict’ry and peace, may
the Heaven rescued land, praise the power that hath made, and
preserved us a nation………
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, and this be our
Motto, “In God is Our Trust.” May the Star Spangled Banner, in
triumph forever wave. O’er the land of the FREE and the home of
Our flag may once again fly proudly over us, having witnessed courageous people
doing great things in desperate times. For the indicted traitors among us, it is a time
to count the cost of your betrayal. For many the ultimate choice for crimes so great will
be dishonor and prison or the wall.
For the patriotic heroes of the American Revolution of 2010,
whatever form our struggle will ultimately take,
our posterity will be able say,
“Thank God Almighty, the Patriots of 21st Century America were Forever our Countrymen.” …………
Steady boys, steady as she goes………….
"Clean 'em, load 'em, stack 'em, and prepare to use 'em!"
(**Final verse of the Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key. )
Saturday, January 16, 2010
A teacher asked her 6th grade class how many
of them were Obama fans.
Not really knowing what an Obama fan is,
but wanting to be liked by the teacher,
all the kids raised their hands except for little Johnny.
The teacher asked little Johnny why he
has decided to be different again.
Little Johnny said, "Because I'm not an Obama fan."
The teacher asked, "Why aren't you a fan of Obama?"
Johnny said, “Because I'm a Republican."
The teacher asked him, “Why are you a Republican.”
Little Johnny answered,
"Well, my Mom's a Republican and my
Dad's a Republican, so I'm a Republican."
Annoyed by this answer, the teacher asked,
"If your mom were a moron
and your dad were an idiot, what would that make you?"
With a big smile, little Johnny replied,
“That would make me an Obama fan."
A teacher asked her 6th grade class how many
of them were Obama fans.
Not really knowing what an Obama fan is,
but wanting to be liked by the teacher,
all the kids raised their hands except for little Johnny.
The teacher asked little Johnny why he
has decided to be different again.
Little Johnny said, "Because I'm not an Obama fan."
The teacher asked, "Why aren't you a fan of Obama?"
Johnny said, “Because I'm a Republican."
The teacher asked him, “Why are you a Republican.”
Little Johnny answered,
"Well, my Mom's a Republican and my
Dad's a Republican, so I'm a Republican."
Annoyed by this answer, the teacher asked,
"If your mom were a moron
and your dad were an idiot, what would that make you?"
With a big smile, little Johnny replied,
“That would make me an Obama fan."
Great News For FPL Customers-WE WON THIS WEEK
Thanks to the Florida Public Service Commission, Florida Power & Light
customers will not see any increases in their base utility rates.
Florida's Public Service Commission (PSC) rejected the majority of
Florida Power & Light’s (FP&L) request to raise customer’s utility rates
by approximately $1.2 billion during 2010 and 2011.
Floridians served by Florida Power & Light can breathe a sigh of relief,
Regulators clearly understood the tough realities facing Floridians
during these tough economic times.
The PSC unanimously rejected FP&L’s request for a 12.5 percent return on equity
instead setting the rate at 10 percent which saves customers million of dollars.
Also, due to reduced fuel costs, customers will actually see a reduction of almost
$15 on their monthly bill.
The PSC also denied several service charge increases that FP&L requested
such as $100 for an initial service connection (currently $14.88)
and a $10 minimum charge for late payments
(up from the current 1.5 percent of the past due amount).
Thank you to all of the Patriots who took the time to attend and speak at the FP&L
customer hearings held this summer by the PSC, for making calls to the Commissioners,
and writing letters to the editor and editorials urging Commissioners to deny these requests.
customers will not see any increases in their base utility rates.
Florida's Public Service Commission (PSC) rejected the majority of
Florida Power & Light’s (FP&L) request to raise customer’s utility rates
by approximately $1.2 billion during 2010 and 2011.
Floridians served by Florida Power & Light can breathe a sigh of relief,
Regulators clearly understood the tough realities facing Floridians
during these tough economic times.
The PSC unanimously rejected FP&L’s request for a 12.5 percent return on equity
instead setting the rate at 10 percent which saves customers million of dollars.
Also, due to reduced fuel costs, customers will actually see a reduction of almost
$15 on their monthly bill.
The PSC also denied several service charge increases that FP&L requested
such as $100 for an initial service connection (currently $14.88)
and a $10 minimum charge for late payments
(up from the current 1.5 percent of the past due amount).
Thank you to all of the Patriots who took the time to attend and speak at the FP&L
customer hearings held this summer by the PSC, for making calls to the Commissioners,
and writing letters to the editor and editorials urging Commissioners to deny these requests.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
2 Of The Navy SEALs' Detainee Abuse Trials Moved To Iraq
The Associated Press
Mon, Jan. 11, 2010
RICHMOND, Va. - Two Navy SEALs accused in the mistreatment of an Iraqi detainee
should be tried at the U.S. base in Iraq where the alleged victim is being held,
a military judge ruled Monday.
Cmdr. Tierney Carlos moved the trials after government prosecutors said they
would make the detainee available for deposition at Camp Victory in Baghdad
but would not bring him to Naval Station Norfolk to testify.
The judge ruled that Petty Officer 2nd Class Jonathan Keefe of Yorktown, Va.,
and Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas of Blue Island, Ill., have a right to face
their accuser in open court.
A hearing for a third defendant, Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew McCabe
of Perrysburg, Ohio, is tentatively set for Wednesday before a different judge.
McCabe is accused of punching Ahmed Hashim Abed, the suspected mastermind
of a 2004 ambush that killed four U.S. security contractors in Fallujah.
The contractors' bodies were dragged through the streets and hung from a bridge.
McCabe and the other two SEALs also are charged with dereliction of duty for failing
to protect the detainee, and with lying to investigators. Huertas also is charged with
impeding the investigation.
The SEALs have received an outpouring of support from people who consider them
heroes for capturing Abed. Several members of Congress have asked that the charges
be dropped, and more than 100,000 people have joined a Facebook page created to
support the SEALs.
Huertas' attorney, Monica Lombardi, said she welcomed the judge's decision.
"We were going to have to travel there to do the deposition anyway, but the government
said the witness wasn't going to be available for trial," Lombardi told The Associated Press.
"The judge said, 'I'm thinking they should all be moved there.' I can see the logic in his ruling."
Phil Cave, a former Navy judge advocate now in private practice but not involved in the SEALs case,
said that in his 31 years of experience with the military justice system he cannot recall any court-martial being moved from here to overseas, although there have been many moved from foreign countries to
the U.S.
Military officials originally wanted to handle the case through a process known as
"nonjudicial punishment," but the SEALs insisted on going to trial in an effort to clear
their names and save their careers. If convicted by a six-person military jury,
they could face up to a year in jail, a bad conduct discharge or loss of pay.
Find this article at:
Monday, January 11, 2010
Dear Al Gore
This is a standing invitation for you to still visit
our lovely state of Florida even if your emphatic
assertion that global warming is melting the polar
ice caps and that soon the mean sea level will rise
300 feet. Al, pictured above is a spot in our state that
you could still visit. You could sit on the bench in this
park and view the beautiful waters of The Gulf Of Mexico,
which would be only a few yards away and if you looked
to the east you can view the beautiful waters of the Atlantic
Ocean because at that time the two will be one single sea.
Sorry Al, but at that time you will no longer be able to
fly to Palm Beach in that big private jet that you own and
I do not know if one of the three large beautiful homes that
you maintain is there but I guess we all have to give up
somethings as you have suggested. I know that you would
have us give up our automobiles, air conditioners,power
generating plants, factories and businesses so that we will
be worthy of our government ratifying the Kyota Accords.
Al, I am a survivor of the of the last Ice Age,....the one that
occured in the 1970's and 1980's...brought on us by the same
enviromental group that is now giving us Global Warming
...I guess as a Floridian I was lucky because I did not suffer from the cold. I do know that it happened because hundreds of newspapers
and magazine articles carried the story and millions of taxpayers
dollars were spent investigating this cause celeb.
Why even The National Geographic Magazine carried this event.
So Al, if the ice caps melt,come visit this spot.
This Post Courtesy of Genetew's Photostream on Flichr Blog
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Will Obama Steal the next Election?
Obama won’t stop with his 24/7/365 campaign to stay in office forever, socializing the nation,
coupled with taking a hiatus while Al-Qaeda terrorizes the nation. Instead of getting any real
governing done, Obama is still focused on building his vigorous organization for a perpetual
seat at the highest office in the world.
Ever wonder why the Dem’s aren’t listening to the 61% of Americans who are calling the hill
daily in protest to the socialized Obamacare? Constituents, who needs them.
The Obama machine is in full swing and gearing up so they can stay in office forever.
They’ve got a plan and it’s at your expense.
A $340 million dollar promotional blitz of the 2010 Census in a “Census Portrait of America Tour”
will kick off today at New York City’s Time Square. NBC’s Today Show (no surprises) will reveal
a 46 long trailer and 12 smaller cargo vans with 14 foot trailers that will begin their cross over
150,000 miles nationwide through April to promote the benefits of participating in the 10 question
census. This parade will make stops at over 800 events which include, New Orleans Mardi Gras,
Super Bowl, Daytona 500 and San Francisco’s Chinese New Year.
It doesn’t stop here, $140 million will be spent on TV and advertising, which includes $2.5 million
for ads during Super Bowl’s pregame show. $80 million will be spent to target racial and ethnic
groups and NON-ENGLISH speakers in 28 languages geared to Hispanics, Blacks and Asians.
Some of the ads will be in Arabic……. oh yeah.
The census has just become another entity under King Obama’s dictatorship.
Yep, this is all about control. Another attempt to keep building up that great database for votes,
votes and more votes, just like his buddy Chavez. The Obama machine is running full steam with
the blessings of the DNC. If the caucus fraud wasn’t enough and Rahm’s grab of Census Bureau
was being moved under the arms of the West Wing, American’s can now contend with the bullying
of the Executive Branch of Czars to legitimize the great theft of America’s vote.
This is more rape and pillage of our tax money to promote the 2010 Census which will capture
and make sure those millions of ILLEGALS are counted to assure citizenship, and will further
stack the deck for the ‘great one’s’ legacy.
Is there no end to what this dumb Congress will let him accomplish?
Obama succeeded in putting in place a second cabinet of Czars which needs no consent of
Congress and will assuredly assist in this grand fraud. Yep, it’s about staying in power forever
with the help of $340 million and amnesty, combined with help from ‘Big O’s’ Compadre’,
Illinois Democrat Luis Gutierrez’s immigration amnesty bill and the preparations coming from
the White House.
The Great Oz is taking no chances with his other arm, Organizing for America, and we haven’t
even touched on Soro’s Secretary of State Project combined with the fraud of the Sequoia Voting systems infiltrating the nation.
America better start shouting and get in their face if we have any hopes of EVER being heard again.
This is just the beginning of the 2010 Obama train which intends to take the steam out of America.
Don’t close your eyes on this guy or you’re going to wake up to a supreme socialistic dictatorship.
We have one hell of a fight this year and it’s going to take EVERY red blooded American to do their part. When you read this, insert ‘socialism’ in place of ‘change’. It’s all about SOCIALISM which is one step away from Communism.
This email blast below is from OFA.
Notice how the writer uses boldface print for boldface lies?
The only thing ground up about OFA is the flow of money.
This blast was sent to over 13 million people which includes the
description of Tea Party protesters as “shouting mobs”.
Organizing for America News Letter
Looking back at 2009, it turns out you were right.
Early this year, millions of you chose to keep working together and create Organizing for America,
to build on the momentum of the Obama campaign, take on the defenders of the status quo,
and make change happen.
Special interests thought they could steamroll you with hundreds of millions of dollars
in lobbying and attack ads. Meanwhile, you built a massive organization, driven by local
leadership, that reached out to millions of fellow Americans and made your voices heard
to Congress in record numbers.
In the coming year, our opponents will make a final stand to block health reform and seek to
defeat many of the President’s other crucial initiatives. And they’re already targeting those in
Congress who are championing change.
So I wanted to take a moment at year’s end to reflect on everything you’ve built, and to ask for
your help one last time this year to hit the ground running in 2010.
Please donate $5 to keep our organizing strong in all 50 states.
This has been a remarkable year for the movement you’ve built from the ground up.
Beth Kimbriel, a mother of four from Richmond, Virginia, has no formal political experience.
But every week, as an OFA “Community Organizer,” she trains and manages other volunteer
leaders to organize effectively around the President’s agenda. Hundreds of her fellow OFA
Community Organizers around the country have already volunteered more than 200,000 hours
doing similar work. Thousands more have taken on other leadership positions in every single state.
And we’re still growing — nearly a million people who had never volunteered for the presidential
campaign have signed up with OFA this year.
Supporters spread the word throughout our communities, with more than a million conversations
with neighbors on the phone and at the doorstep, and 250,000 letters to the editor about how
President Obama’s policies would help ordinary Americans.
And when Congress was making crucial decisions, you spoke out more powerfully than the
special interests ever could. In the last few months, you’ve made more than 1 million calls to
Congress — including more than 300,000 on one amazing day in October that created huge
momentum for health reform. Thousands of supporters attended town halls to counter the
shouting mobs and speak out in person.
And you even held 37,107 events in every congressional district —
bus tour rallies, phonebanks and forums to inform your neighbors.
These incredible efforts have powered victories on a wide range of issues.
OFA volunteers provided a huge boost to help pass the Recovery Act,
President Obama’s historic budget, an expansion of children’s health care,
credit card and student loan reform. Your voices helped pass a historic green
jobs and energy bill in the House, and the confirmation of the nation’s first
Latina Supreme Court justice, Sonia Sotomayor, in the Senate.
And of course, you were instrumental in passing comprehensive health reform
through both houses of Congress for the first time in American history.
With every phone call to a member of Congress, every door knocked on a rainy day,
every event held in a town center, you’ve helped to push this country forward.
But with the special interests and their allies in Congress fighting us for every inch,
we need your help again to keep our organizing strong in 2010.
Can you chip in $5?
Thanks for making it all possible,
Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America
This post is from the Save America website. Please visit our website at
Will Obama Steal the next Election?
Obama won’t stop with his 24/7/365 campaign to stay in office forever, socializing the nation,
coupled with taking a hiatus while Al-Qaeda terrorizes the nation. Instead of getting any real
governing done, Obama is still focused on building his vigorous organization for a perpetual
seat at the highest office in the world.
Ever wonder why the Dem’s aren’t listening to the 61% of Americans who are calling the hill
daily in protest to the socialized Obamacare? Constituents, who needs them.
The Obama machine is in full swing and gearing up so they can stay in office forever.
They’ve got a plan and it’s at your expense.
A $340 million dollar promotional blitz of the 2010 Census in a “Census Portrait of America Tour”
will kick off today at New York City’s Time Square. NBC’s Today Show (no surprises) will reveal
a 46 long trailer and 12 smaller cargo vans with 14 foot trailers that will begin their cross over
150,000 miles nationwide through April to promote the benefits of participating in the 10 question
census. This parade will make stops at over 800 events which include, New Orleans Mardi Gras,
Super Bowl, Daytona 500 and San Francisco’s Chinese New Year.
It doesn’t stop here, $140 million will be spent on TV and advertising, which includes $2.5 million
for ads during Super Bowl’s pregame show. $80 million will be spent to target racial and ethnic
groups and NON-ENGLISH speakers in 28 languages geared to Hispanics, Blacks and Asians.
Some of the ads will be in Arabic……. oh yeah.
The census has just become another entity under King Obama’s dictatorship.
Yep, this is all about control. Another attempt to keep building up that great database for votes,
votes and more votes, just like his buddy Chavez. The Obama machine is running full steam with
the blessings of the DNC. If the caucus fraud wasn’t enough and Rahm’s grab of Census Bureau
was being moved under the arms of the West Wing, American’s can now contend with the bullying
of the Executive Branch of Czars to legitimize the great theft of America’s vote.
This is more rape and pillage of our tax money to promote the 2010 Census which will capture
and make sure those millions of ILLEGALS are counted to assure citizenship, and will further
stack the deck for the ‘great one’s’ legacy.
Is there no end to what this dumb Congress will let him accomplish?
Obama succeeded in putting in place a second cabinet of Czars which needs no consent of
Congress and will assuredly assist in this grand fraud. Yep, it’s about staying in power forever
with the help of $340 million and amnesty, combined with help from ‘Big O’s’ Compadre’,
Illinois Democrat Luis Gutierrez’s immigration amnesty bill and the preparations coming from
the White House.
The Great Oz is taking no chances with his other arm, Organizing for America, and we haven’t
even touched on Soro’s Secretary of State Project combined with the fraud of the Sequoia Voting systems infiltrating the nation.
America better start shouting and get in their face if we have any hopes of EVER being heard again.
This is just the beginning of the 2010 Obama train which intends to take the steam out of America.
Don’t close your eyes on this guy or you’re going to wake up to a supreme socialistic dictatorship.
We have one hell of a fight this year and it’s going to take EVERY red blooded American to do their part. When you read this, insert ‘socialism’ in place of ‘change’. It’s all about SOCIALISM which is one step away from Communism.
This email blast below is from OFA.
Notice how the writer uses boldface print for boldface lies?
The only thing ground up about OFA is the flow of money.
This blast was sent to over 13 million people which includes the
description of Tea Party protesters as “shouting mobs”.
Organizing for America News Letter
Looking back at 2009, it turns out you were right.
Early this year, millions of you chose to keep working together and create Organizing for America,
to build on the momentum of the Obama campaign, take on the defenders of the status quo,
and make change happen.
Special interests thought they could steamroll you with hundreds of millions of dollars
in lobbying and attack ads. Meanwhile, you built a massive organization, driven by local
leadership, that reached out to millions of fellow Americans and made your voices heard
to Congress in record numbers.
In the coming year, our opponents will make a final stand to block health reform and seek to
defeat many of the President’s other crucial initiatives. And they’re already targeting those in
Congress who are championing change.
So I wanted to take a moment at year’s end to reflect on everything you’ve built, and to ask for
your help one last time this year to hit the ground running in 2010.
Please donate $5 to keep our organizing strong in all 50 states.
This has been a remarkable year for the movement you’ve built from the ground up.
Beth Kimbriel, a mother of four from Richmond, Virginia, has no formal political experience.
But every week, as an OFA “Community Organizer,” she trains and manages other volunteer
leaders to organize effectively around the President’s agenda. Hundreds of her fellow OFA
Community Organizers around the country have already volunteered more than 200,000 hours
doing similar work. Thousands more have taken on other leadership positions in every single state.
And we’re still growing — nearly a million people who had never volunteered for the presidential
campaign have signed up with OFA this year.
Supporters spread the word throughout our communities, with more than a million conversations
with neighbors on the phone and at the doorstep, and 250,000 letters to the editor about how
President Obama’s policies would help ordinary Americans.
And when Congress was making crucial decisions, you spoke out more powerfully than the
special interests ever could. In the last few months, you’ve made more than 1 million calls to
Congress — including more than 300,000 on one amazing day in October that created huge
momentum for health reform. Thousands of supporters attended town halls to counter the
shouting mobs and speak out in person.
And you even held 37,107 events in every congressional district —
bus tour rallies, phonebanks and forums to inform your neighbors.
These incredible efforts have powered victories on a wide range of issues.
OFA volunteers provided a huge boost to help pass the Recovery Act,
President Obama’s historic budget, an expansion of children’s health care,
credit card and student loan reform. Your voices helped pass a historic green
jobs and energy bill in the House, and the confirmation of the nation’s first
Latina Supreme Court justice, Sonia Sotomayor, in the Senate.
And of course, you were instrumental in passing comprehensive health reform
through both houses of Congress for the first time in American history.
With every phone call to a member of Congress, every door knocked on a rainy day,
every event held in a town center, you’ve helped to push this country forward.
But with the special interests and their allies in Congress fighting us for every inch,
we need your help again to keep our organizing strong in 2010.
Can you chip in $5?
Thanks for making it all possible,
Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America
This post is from the Save America website. Please visit our website at
coupled with taking a hiatus while Al-Qaeda terrorizes the nation. Instead of getting any real
governing done, Obama is still focused on building his vigorous organization for a perpetual
seat at the highest office in the world.
Ever wonder why the Dem’s aren’t listening to the 61% of Americans who are calling the hill
daily in protest to the socialized Obamacare? Constituents, who needs them.
The Obama machine is in full swing and gearing up so they can stay in office forever.
They’ve got a plan and it’s at your expense.
A $340 million dollar promotional blitz of the 2010 Census in a “Census Portrait of America Tour”
will kick off today at New York City’s Time Square. NBC’s Today Show (no surprises) will reveal
a 46 long trailer and 12 smaller cargo vans with 14 foot trailers that will begin their cross over
150,000 miles nationwide through April to promote the benefits of participating in the 10 question
census. This parade will make stops at over 800 events which include, New Orleans Mardi Gras,
Super Bowl, Daytona 500 and San Francisco’s Chinese New Year.
It doesn’t stop here, $140 million will be spent on TV and advertising, which includes $2.5 million
for ads during Super Bowl’s pregame show. $80 million will be spent to target racial and ethnic
groups and NON-ENGLISH speakers in 28 languages geared to Hispanics, Blacks and Asians.
Some of the ads will be in Arabic……. oh yeah.
The census has just become another entity under King Obama’s dictatorship.
Yep, this is all about control. Another attempt to keep building up that great database for votes,
votes and more votes, just like his buddy Chavez. The Obama machine is running full steam with
the blessings of the DNC. If the caucus fraud wasn’t enough and Rahm’s grab of Census Bureau
was being moved under the arms of the West Wing, American’s can now contend with the bullying
of the Executive Branch of Czars to legitimize the great theft of America’s vote.
This is more rape and pillage of our tax money to promote the 2010 Census which will capture
and make sure those millions of ILLEGALS are counted to assure citizenship, and will further
stack the deck for the ‘great one’s’ legacy.
Is there no end to what this dumb Congress will let him accomplish?
Obama succeeded in putting in place a second cabinet of Czars which needs no consent of
Congress and will assuredly assist in this grand fraud. Yep, it’s about staying in power forever
with the help of $340 million and amnesty, combined with help from ‘Big O’s’ Compadre’,
Illinois Democrat Luis Gutierrez’s immigration amnesty bill and the preparations coming from
the White House.
The Great Oz is taking no chances with his other arm, Organizing for America, and we haven’t
even touched on Soro’s Secretary of State Project combined with the fraud of the Sequoia Voting systems infiltrating the nation.
America better start shouting and get in their face if we have any hopes of EVER being heard again.
This is just the beginning of the 2010 Obama train which intends to take the steam out of America.
Don’t close your eyes on this guy or you’re going to wake up to a supreme socialistic dictatorship.
We have one hell of a fight this year and it’s going to take EVERY red blooded American to do their part. When you read this, insert ‘socialism’ in place of ‘change’. It’s all about SOCIALISM which is one step away from Communism.
This email blast below is from OFA.
Notice how the writer uses boldface print for boldface lies?
The only thing ground up about OFA is the flow of money.
This blast was sent to over 13 million people which includes the
description of Tea Party protesters as “shouting mobs”.
Organizing for America News Letter
Looking back at 2009, it turns out you were right.
Early this year, millions of you chose to keep working together and create Organizing for America,
to build on the momentum of the Obama campaign, take on the defenders of the status quo,
and make change happen.
Special interests thought they could steamroll you with hundreds of millions of dollars
in lobbying and attack ads. Meanwhile, you built a massive organization, driven by local
leadership, that reached out to millions of fellow Americans and made your voices heard
to Congress in record numbers.
In the coming year, our opponents will make a final stand to block health reform and seek to
defeat many of the President’s other crucial initiatives. And they’re already targeting those in
Congress who are championing change.
So I wanted to take a moment at year’s end to reflect on everything you’ve built, and to ask for
your help one last time this year to hit the ground running in 2010.
Please donate $5 to keep our organizing strong in all 50 states.
This has been a remarkable year for the movement you’ve built from the ground up.
Beth Kimbriel, a mother of four from Richmond, Virginia, has no formal political experience.
But every week, as an OFA “Community Organizer,” she trains and manages other volunteer
leaders to organize effectively around the President’s agenda. Hundreds of her fellow OFA
Community Organizers around the country have already volunteered more than 200,000 hours
doing similar work. Thousands more have taken on other leadership positions in every single state.
And we’re still growing — nearly a million people who had never volunteered for the presidential
campaign have signed up with OFA this year.
Supporters spread the word throughout our communities, with more than a million conversations
with neighbors on the phone and at the doorstep, and 250,000 letters to the editor about how
President Obama’s policies would help ordinary Americans.
And when Congress was making crucial decisions, you spoke out more powerfully than the
special interests ever could. In the last few months, you’ve made more than 1 million calls to
Congress — including more than 300,000 on one amazing day in October that created huge
momentum for health reform. Thousands of supporters attended town halls to counter the
shouting mobs and speak out in person.
And you even held 37,107 events in every congressional district —
bus tour rallies, phonebanks and forums to inform your neighbors.
These incredible efforts have powered victories on a wide range of issues.
OFA volunteers provided a huge boost to help pass the Recovery Act,
President Obama’s historic budget, an expansion of children’s health care,
credit card and student loan reform. Your voices helped pass a historic green
jobs and energy bill in the House, and the confirmation of the nation’s first
Latina Supreme Court justice, Sonia Sotomayor, in the Senate.
And of course, you were instrumental in passing comprehensive health reform
through both houses of Congress for the first time in American history.
With every phone call to a member of Congress, every door knocked on a rainy day,
every event held in a town center, you’ve helped to push this country forward.
But with the special interests and their allies in Congress fighting us for every inch,
we need your help again to keep our organizing strong in 2010.
Can you chip in $5?
Thanks for making it all possible,
Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America
This post is from the Save America website. Please visit our website at
Will Obama Steal the next Election?
Obama won’t stop with his 24/7/365 campaign to stay in office forever, socializing the nation,
coupled with taking a hiatus while Al-Qaeda terrorizes the nation. Instead of getting any real
governing done, Obama is still focused on building his vigorous organization for a perpetual
seat at the highest office in the world.
Ever wonder why the Dem’s aren’t listening to the 61% of Americans who are calling the hill
daily in protest to the socialized Obamacare? Constituents, who needs them.
The Obama machine is in full swing and gearing up so they can stay in office forever.
They’ve got a plan and it’s at your expense.
A $340 million dollar promotional blitz of the 2010 Census in a “Census Portrait of America Tour”
will kick off today at New York City’s Time Square. NBC’s Today Show (no surprises) will reveal
a 46 long trailer and 12 smaller cargo vans with 14 foot trailers that will begin their cross over
150,000 miles nationwide through April to promote the benefits of participating in the 10 question
census. This parade will make stops at over 800 events which include, New Orleans Mardi Gras,
Super Bowl, Daytona 500 and San Francisco’s Chinese New Year.
It doesn’t stop here, $140 million will be spent on TV and advertising, which includes $2.5 million
for ads during Super Bowl’s pregame show. $80 million will be spent to target racial and ethnic
groups and NON-ENGLISH speakers in 28 languages geared to Hispanics, Blacks and Asians.
Some of the ads will be in Arabic……. oh yeah.
The census has just become another entity under King Obama’s dictatorship.
Yep, this is all about control. Another attempt to keep building up that great database for votes,
votes and more votes, just like his buddy Chavez. The Obama machine is running full steam with
the blessings of the DNC. If the caucus fraud wasn’t enough and Rahm’s grab of Census Bureau
was being moved under the arms of the West Wing, American’s can now contend with the bullying
of the Executive Branch of Czars to legitimize the great theft of America’s vote.
This is more rape and pillage of our tax money to promote the 2010 Census which will capture
and make sure those millions of ILLEGALS are counted to assure citizenship, and will further
stack the deck for the ‘great one’s’ legacy.
Is there no end to what this dumb Congress will let him accomplish?
Obama succeeded in putting in place a second cabinet of Czars which needs no consent of
Congress and will assuredly assist in this grand fraud. Yep, it’s about staying in power forever
with the help of $340 million and amnesty, combined with help from ‘Big O’s’ Compadre’,
Illinois Democrat Luis Gutierrez’s immigration amnesty bill and the preparations coming from
the White House.
The Great Oz is taking no chances with his other arm, Organizing for America, and we haven’t
even touched on Soro’s Secretary of State Project combined with the fraud of the Sequoia Voting systems infiltrating the nation.
America better start shouting and get in their face if we have any hopes of EVER being heard again.
This is just the beginning of the 2010 Obama train which intends to take the steam out of America.
Don’t close your eyes on this guy or you’re going to wake up to a supreme socialistic dictatorship.
We have one hell of a fight this year and it’s going to take EVERY red blooded American to do their part. When you read this, insert ‘socialism’ in place of ‘change’. It’s all about SOCIALISM which is one step away from Communism.
This email blast below is from OFA.
Notice how the writer uses boldface print for boldface lies?
The only thing ground up about OFA is the flow of money.
This blast was sent to over 13 million people which includes the
description of Tea Party protesters as “shouting mobs”.
Organizing for America News Letter
Looking back at 2009, it turns out you were right.
Early this year, millions of you chose to keep working together and create Organizing for America,
to build on the momentum of the Obama campaign, take on the defenders of the status quo,
and make change happen.
Special interests thought they could steamroll you with hundreds of millions of dollars
in lobbying and attack ads. Meanwhile, you built a massive organization, driven by local
leadership, that reached out to millions of fellow Americans and made your voices heard
to Congress in record numbers.
In the coming year, our opponents will make a final stand to block health reform and seek to
defeat many of the President’s other crucial initiatives. And they’re already targeting those in
Congress who are championing change.
So I wanted to take a moment at year’s end to reflect on everything you’ve built, and to ask for
your help one last time this year to hit the ground running in 2010.
Please donate $5 to keep our organizing strong in all 50 states.
This has been a remarkable year for the movement you’ve built from the ground up.
Beth Kimbriel, a mother of four from Richmond, Virginia, has no formal political experience.
But every week, as an OFA “Community Organizer,” she trains and manages other volunteer
leaders to organize effectively around the President’s agenda. Hundreds of her fellow OFA
Community Organizers around the country have already volunteered more than 200,000 hours
doing similar work. Thousands more have taken on other leadership positions in every single state.
And we’re still growing — nearly a million people who had never volunteered for the presidential
campaign have signed up with OFA this year.
Supporters spread the word throughout our communities, with more than a million conversations
with neighbors on the phone and at the doorstep, and 250,000 letters to the editor about how
President Obama’s policies would help ordinary Americans.
And when Congress was making crucial decisions, you spoke out more powerfully than the
special interests ever could. In the last few months, you’ve made more than 1 million calls to
Congress — including more than 300,000 on one amazing day in October that created huge
momentum for health reform. Thousands of supporters attended town halls to counter the
shouting mobs and speak out in person.
And you even held 37,107 events in every congressional district —
bus tour rallies, phonebanks and forums to inform your neighbors.
These incredible efforts have powered victories on a wide range of issues.
OFA volunteers provided a huge boost to help pass the Recovery Act,
President Obama’s historic budget, an expansion of children’s health care,
credit card and student loan reform. Your voices helped pass a historic green
jobs and energy bill in the House, and the confirmation of the nation’s first
Latina Supreme Court justice, Sonia Sotomayor, in the Senate.
And of course, you were instrumental in passing comprehensive health reform
through both houses of Congress for the first time in American history.
With every phone call to a member of Congress, every door knocked on a rainy day,
every event held in a town center, you’ve helped to push this country forward.
But with the special interests and their allies in Congress fighting us for every inch,
we need your help again to keep our organizing strong in 2010.
Can you chip in $5?
Thanks for making it all possible,
Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America
This post is from the Save America website. Please visit our website at
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010

Oh well sure. That makes perfect sense.
Let me see if I understand all this....
ILLEGAL--Such A Simple Word--Yet So Many Don't Understand It.
Pro-immigration 'dream' walkers make chilly stop in Lake Worth

Trail of Dreams walkers Gaby Pacheco, left, and Felipe Matos are joined by dozens of community supporters as they make their way towards City Hall in Lake Worth Wednesday.

Juan Rodriguez (l-r), Felipe Matos, Gaby Pacheco and Carlos Roa stand at the steps of Lake Worth's City Hall.
By Willie Howard
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Updated: 8:39 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2010
LAKE WORTH — Four Miami-Dade County college students braved cold winds Wednesday
to discuss the plight of undocumented immigrants on the steps of city hall as part of the
Trail of Dreams walk — a months-long trek from Miami to the nation's capital intended to
build support for immigration reform.
"I cannot ignore the fact that people in my community are disappearing,"
said Juan Rodriguez, 23, a native of Colombia who moved to the United States
at age 6 and has since obtained permanent resident status.
Another Dream walker, Felipe Matos, 23, a native of Brazil, said he has
won academic awards at Miami Dade College but cannot get a driver's license
and can't work legally.
Dressed in a sweatshirt and blue stocking cap,
Matos broke into song at city hall.
"We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes,"
he sang to a receptive crowd of about 50.
City Commissioner Cara Jennings read a proclamation declaring
Jan. 6 as Dreamer's Day in Lake Worth to commemorate the walkers' visit.
Palm Beach County sheriff's deputies mingled with the crowd in case of conflict,
but no problems arose at city hall or at the Lake Worth Resource Center,
where the walkers and supporters enjoyed a hot lunch of rice, meat, beans and tortillas
before continuing north to West Palm Beach, where they planned to participate in an
interfaith service at St. Ann Catholic Church .
The walkers are scheduled to stop at the Mangonia Park offices
of U.S. Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Miramar,
on Thursday before continuing north toward Martin County.
Supporters so far have provided food and shelter for the walkers.
Members of like-minded organizations such as the
Palm Beach County Coalition for Immigrant Rights have joined the walkers,
who hiked along Dixie Highway from Boynton Beach to reach Lake Worth.
"We're trusting the goodwill of the people," said Carlos Roa, 22,
a native of Venezuela and a student at Miami Dade College.
"It's been a great experience, a very humbling experience."
The Trail of Dreams was named in part for the American Dream Act —
proposed federal legislation that would provide conditional resident status
to undocumented students of "good moral character."
To qualify, the legislation would require students to have come to the United States
before the age of 16. They must have graduated from high school or earned a GED
and must be able to prove U.S. residency for five consecutive years.
As proposed, conditional status would be granted to students for six years.
To be eligible to apply for permanent resident status, the students would have to
graduate with a two-year degree from a community college or complete at least
two years in college.
They could also serve at least two years in the military
with an honorable discharge, if discharged.
The Dream walkers said the name of their northward march
was intended to resemble the Trail of Tears, the forced relocation
of American Indians from their home territories to Oklahoma.
"This time we want to do it for dreams, not for tears," Matos said.
The walkers are carrying a "dream quilt" created by the Latino Youth Collective in Indiana.
Supporters at the Lake Worth Resource Center drew or wrote their dreams
on fabric squares to be sewn onto the quilt,
which has about 900 squares and is 50 feet long.
"We found it to be a very good tool in building solidarity," Felipe Vargas said of the quilt,
comparing it to the quilt patterns used by Southern blacks
to escape slavery via the Underground Railroad.
Vargas, a teacher at Indiana University, is driving the RV used as a support vehicle
for the walkers, who plan to reach Washington in May.
When they arrive in the capital, the walkers say they hope to ask President Obama
to use his executive powers to stop the deportation of students who were brought
to the United States as children and to stop deportations that separate families with
American-born members.
"We're going to deliver the dreams to Obama," Matos said.


By Willie Howard
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Updated: 8:39 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2010
LAKE WORTH — Four Miami-Dade County college students braved cold winds Wednesday
to discuss the plight of undocumented immigrants on the steps of city hall as part of the
Trail of Dreams walk — a months-long trek from Miami to the nation's capital intended to
build support for immigration reform.
"I cannot ignore the fact that people in my community are disappearing,"
said Juan Rodriguez, 23, a native of Colombia who moved to the United States
at age 6 and has since obtained permanent resident status.
Another Dream walker, Felipe Matos, 23, a native of Brazil, said he has
won academic awards at Miami Dade College but cannot get a driver's license
and can't work legally.
Dressed in a sweatshirt and blue stocking cap,
Matos broke into song at city hall.
"We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes,"
he sang to a receptive crowd of about 50.
City Commissioner Cara Jennings read a proclamation declaring
Jan. 6 as Dreamer's Day in Lake Worth to commemorate the walkers' visit.
Palm Beach County sheriff's deputies mingled with the crowd in case of conflict,
but no problems arose at city hall or at the Lake Worth Resource Center,
where the walkers and supporters enjoyed a hot lunch of rice, meat, beans and tortillas
before continuing north to West Palm Beach, where they planned to participate in an
interfaith service at St. Ann Catholic Church .
The walkers are scheduled to stop at the Mangonia Park offices
of U.S. Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Miramar,
on Thursday before continuing north toward Martin County.
Supporters so far have provided food and shelter for the walkers.
Members of like-minded organizations such as the
Palm Beach County Coalition for Immigrant Rights have joined the walkers,
who hiked along Dixie Highway from Boynton Beach to reach Lake Worth.
"We're trusting the goodwill of the people," said Carlos Roa, 22,
a native of Venezuela and a student at Miami Dade College.
"It's been a great experience, a very humbling experience."
The Trail of Dreams was named in part for the American Dream Act —
proposed federal legislation that would provide conditional resident status
to undocumented students of "good moral character."
To qualify, the legislation would require students to have come to the United States
before the age of 16. They must have graduated from high school or earned a GED
and must be able to prove U.S. residency for five consecutive years.
As proposed, conditional status would be granted to students for six years.
To be eligible to apply for permanent resident status, the students would have to
graduate with a two-year degree from a community college or complete at least
two years in college.
They could also serve at least two years in the military
with an honorable discharge, if discharged.
The Dream walkers said the name of their northward march
was intended to resemble the Trail of Tears, the forced relocation
of American Indians from their home territories to Oklahoma.
"This time we want to do it for dreams, not for tears," Matos said.
The walkers are carrying a "dream quilt" created by the Latino Youth Collective in Indiana.
Supporters at the Lake Worth Resource Center drew or wrote their dreams
on fabric squares to be sewn onto the quilt,
which has about 900 squares and is 50 feet long.
"We found it to be a very good tool in building solidarity," Felipe Vargas said of the quilt,
comparing it to the quilt patterns used by Southern blacks
to escape slavery via the Underground Railroad.
Vargas, a teacher at Indiana University, is driving the RV used as a support vehicle
for the walkers, who plan to reach Washington in May.
When they arrive in the capital, the walkers say they hope to ask President Obama
to use his executive powers to stop the deportation of students who were brought
to the United States as children and to stop deportations that separate families with
American-born members.
"We're going to deliver the dreams to Obama," Matos said.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Liberty First PAC Endorses Marco Rubio in FL Senate Primary

Image by DavidAll06 via Flicker
Press Release:
Jan 1
Chicago, IL -
Liberty First PAC, a committee developed out of the 2009 Tax Day Tea Party
and funded by grassroots movement activists, officially endorsed Marco Rubio
in the 2010 race for U.S. Senate in Florida.
“We view Marco Rubio as the true movement-minded candidate for Senate in Florida.
Rubio has proven his ability to make decisions with the idea that liberty comes first,”
said Eric Odom, committee chairman and tea party organizer.
As a member of the Florida state legislature who has served as Majority Whip,
Majority Leader, and Speaker of the House, Rubio has repeatedly aligned himself
with tea party activists through liberty-minded legislation. His proven leadership is
badly needed in Washington, and his constant fight for less spending, less taxes,
less corrupt union power grabs, less regulation and more liberty is a fight the
movement appreciates and supports.
Rubio’s key primary opponent in the race, Governor Charlie Crist,
infuriated tea party activists when he openly supported Obama’s
anti-American, $787 billion dollar stimulus package.
Crist also supports state “cap and trade” legislation that would enslave
Americans to outrageous taxes, fees and regulation on energy consumption.
“Crist is more of the same. He represents everything the liberty movement opposes, said Eric Odom. He added that “Rubio represents us well,
and we believe he would present a significant danger to our freedom should he be
elected to the Senate,”
and Florida would likely thrive under his leadership.”
Liberty First PAC has pledged financial support to Rubio, and the committee plans
to begin running media campaigns across Florida in the first quarter of 2010.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Hollywood: Withhold sex to push health reform
By Drew Zahn
An activist organization supported by Hollywood and TV actors is encouraging
young people to support health care reform any way they can:
by flirting, tweeting, lying and even pledging to withhold sex from anyone who disagrees with them.

proclaims its mission is to "engage and build the political power of young people
in order to achieve progressive change in our country."
part of achieving that change includes boosting young people's sexual power as well.
In an Internet advertisement posted on YouTube and Rock the Vote's homepage,
actress Eva Amurri from TV's "Californication" and actor Zach Gilford from "Friday Night Lights"
encourage young voters to take a pledge to "hold out for health care."
"Politics is personal," the video states,
and so invites young people to join in the following pledge:
We pledge ourselves to the health and liberty of young Americans,
and to government for the people. We pledge to educate ourselves,
to stand against those who fight us with mind, body and spirit and to
never f---ing you if you are against us. We will vote against you,
work against you, and once again, just in case you forgot: never,
ever, never, ever, never, ever, never, ever f--- you.
In addition to the pledge, Rock the Vote's video suggests other forms
of manipulating others into getting on board with government health care reform.
"Get your friends interested," says Amurri, suggestively.
"Touch their arms a little, unbutton [your shirt]. Rock the vote by flirting."
She further advises young ladies,
"Maybe some creep who thinks death panels are real is hitting on you;
he's lying to you. You can rock the vote by lying right back."
The video, which was clearly created to convey its message with humor,
is nonetheless posted on Rock the Vote's homepage with links to take the pledge,
donate to the organization and send in other ideas on how to get
health care legislation passed.
For example, one site visitor identified as Lizzratt submitted,
"I have tweeted, which automatically Facebooks for me.
I will get the young people around me informed and activated,
and I will write letters to the editors of my local newspapers."
Another called zull2 responded, "I can't even get a date,
much less get someone to sleep with me.
But I've got friends, and I also believe health care is a right, not a privilege.
And until health care is a right, those friends who do not support
that view are not friends of mine."
Rick didn't pledge to withhold sex, but he did pledge,
"No Christmas presents for those who stand against health care
are coming from me. I will share this on Facebook."
Lil Duck, however, proclaimed,
"My boyfriend is getting none until health care passes."
"Did you know that male cougars are known as rhinos?"
the site states, referring to the slang terms for older women and men
that seek sex from younger people.
"Tell the cougars and rhinos in Congress (they are called 'Senators')
what you think about health care."
Rock the Vote's public service announcements and Internet ads
have included dozens of movie, television and music stars,
including Christina Aguilera, Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal,
Samuel L. Jackson and Madonna.
The organization boasts that last year it achieved the highest
voter registration numbers in its 20-year history,
registering 2.2 million individuals through its tools and website.
The video includes sensual behavior and potentially offensive language,
Thats why I am only posting the link and not the video
The website also includes a toll-free phone number through which
callers can contact their congressmen: 1-888-743-4385
An activist organization supported by Hollywood and TV actors is encouraging
young people to support health care reform any way they can:
by flirting, tweeting, lying and even pledging to withhold sex from anyone who disagrees with them.

proclaims its mission is to "engage and build the political power of young people
in order to achieve progressive change in our country."
part of achieving that change includes boosting young people's sexual power as well.
In an Internet advertisement posted on YouTube and Rock the Vote's homepage,
actress Eva Amurri from TV's "Californication" and actor Zach Gilford from "Friday Night Lights"
encourage young voters to take a pledge to "hold out for health care."
"Politics is personal," the video states,
and so invites young people to join in the following pledge:
We pledge ourselves to the health and liberty of young Americans,
and to government for the people. We pledge to educate ourselves,
to stand against those who fight us with mind, body and spirit and to
never f---ing you if you are against us. We will vote against you,
work against you, and once again, just in case you forgot: never,
ever, never, ever, never, ever, never, ever f--- you.
In addition to the pledge, Rock the Vote's video suggests other forms
of manipulating others into getting on board with government health care reform.
"Get your friends interested," says Amurri, suggestively.
"Touch their arms a little, unbutton [your shirt]. Rock the vote by flirting."
She further advises young ladies,
"Maybe some creep who thinks death panels are real is hitting on you;
he's lying to you. You can rock the vote by lying right back."
The video, which was clearly created to convey its message with humor,
is nonetheless posted on Rock the Vote's homepage with links to take the pledge,
donate to the organization and send in other ideas on how to get
health care legislation passed.
For example, one site visitor identified as Lizzratt submitted,
"I have tweeted, which automatically Facebooks for me.
I will get the young people around me informed and activated,
and I will write letters to the editors of my local newspapers."
Another called zull2 responded, "I can't even get a date,
much less get someone to sleep with me.
But I've got friends, and I also believe health care is a right, not a privilege.
And until health care is a right, those friends who do not support
that view are not friends of mine."
Rick didn't pledge to withhold sex, but he did pledge,
"No Christmas presents for those who stand against health care
are coming from me. I will share this on Facebook."
Lil Duck, however, proclaimed,
"My boyfriend is getting none until health care passes."
"Did you know that male cougars are known as rhinos?"
the site states, referring to the slang terms for older women and men
that seek sex from younger people.
"Tell the cougars and rhinos in Congress (they are called 'Senators')
what you think about health care."
Rock the Vote's public service announcements and Internet ads
have included dozens of movie, television and music stars,
including Christina Aguilera, Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal,
Samuel L. Jackson and Madonna.
The organization boasts that last year it achieved the highest
voter registration numbers in its 20-year history,
registering 2.2 million individuals through its tools and website.
The video includes sensual behavior and potentially offensive language,
Thats why I am only posting the link and not the video
The website also includes a toll-free phone number through which
callers can contact their congressmen: 1-888-743-4385
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